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  • Title

    Effect of ionic stabilizer on the durability performance of cement stabilized gangue bonding material

  • 作者


  • Author

    张建俊,姚柏聪,孙源骏,刘晓龙,王宝强,梁世纪,林增华,刘 静

  • 单位

    辽宁工程技术大学 土木工程学院辽宁科技大学 土木工程学院辽宁省地质矿产研究院有限责任公司

  • Organization
    College of Civil Engineering,Liaoning Technical University;College of Civil Engineering,University of Science and Technology Li⁃ aoning;Liaoning Geological and Mineral Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    水泥稳定煤矸石结合料用于寒区道路工程极易发生冻害适量添加固化剂是增强其路用耐 久性能的重要途径。 通过 7 d 无侧限抗压强度试验温缩试验渗水试验抗冲刷试验冻融试验, 分别研究离子型煤矸石固化剂(ICG)掺量(00.005%0.010%0.015%0.020%)对水泥稳定煤矸 石结合料(CS)的强度与耐久性的影响通过压汞试验(MIP)、射线衍射(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱 仪(FTIR)及热重-微商热重联合法(TG-DTG),分析 ICG 对 CS 的孔隙结构与水化产物的影响并 对作用机理进行了探究。 此外基于压汞试验数据研究了 ICG 固化 CS 孔隙结构的分形特征构 建了分形维数 D与 CS 耐久性之间的联系。 结果表明:CS 掺入 ICG 弱结合水转变为自由水同 时水溶液中 Ca2+ 浓度增加促进了水化产物的生成孔隙结构复杂化D增大孔隙体积缩小孔隙 率降低CS 孔隙结构密闭性增加进而提高了 CS 的抗压强度抗温缩性能抗渗性能抗冲刷性能 及抗冻性能从而提高 CS 的耐久性能当 ICG 掺量为 0.010%ICG 的固化效果最显著。 此外分 形维数 D与 CS 的耐久性参数之间存在线性关系因此 D可以作为评价水泥稳定煤矸石结合料耐 久性的一个新参数。 研究成果可为离子固化剂应用于水泥稳定煤矸石结合料中提供一定的参考

  • Abstract

    Cement⁃stabilized gangue bonding material for road projects in cold areas is very susceptible to frost damage. The appropriate amount of added stabilizer is an important way to enhance its road durability performance. The effects of ionic gangue stabilization(ICG) admixture(0,0.005%,0.010%,0.015%,0.020%) on the strength and durability of cement⁃stabilized gangue bonding material(CS) were studied through 7 d unconfined compressive strength test, temperature shrinkage test, water penetration test, scouring test and freeze⁃thaw test, respectively. Using mercury⁃pressure test(MIP),X⁃ray diffraction(XRD),Fourier infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) and com⁃ bined thermogravimetric⁃micro⁃commercial thermogravimetric method(TG⁃DTG),the effect of ICG on the pore structure and hydration products of CS,and their action mechanism were analyzed. In addition,the fractal characteris⁃ tics of the pore structure of ICG⁃stabilized CS were investigated based on the data of the mercury⁃pressure test,and the link between the fractal dimension Dand the durability of CS was constructed. The results showed that after CS was mixed with ICG,the weakly bound water was transformed into free water,while the Ca2+ concentration in the aque⁃ ous solution increased,which promoted the generation of hydration products,and pore structure complexity. Also, it made the value of Dincrease,the pore volume decrease,the porosity decrease,and the CS pore structure confine⁃ ment increase. In turn,it improved the compressive strength,temperature shrinkage resistance,seepage resistance, scour resistance,and frost resistance of CS,thus,improving the CS durability performance. The stabilization effect of ICG was most significant when the ICG doping amount was 0.010%. In addition,there was a linear relationship be⁃ tween the fractal dimension Dand the durability parameters of CS,so Dcould be used as a new parameter to evaluate the durability of cement⁃stabilized gangue binders. The research results can provide some references for the application of ionic stabilizers in cement⁃stabilized gangue binding materials.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ionic stabilizer;cement⁃stabilized gangue binding material;durable performance;pore characteristics;frac⁃ tal dimension;hydration products

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    ZHANG Jianjun,YAO Baicong,SUN Yuanjun,et al.Effect of ionic stabilizer on the durability performance of ce⁃ ment stabilized gangue bonding material[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(9):3472-3482.
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