• 全部
  • Title

    Review and development trends of coalbed methane exploitation technology in China

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Zhongwei,LI Guofu,YANG Ruiyue,LI Gensheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    1.State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting,China University of Petroleum(Beijing),Beijing 102249,China;2.State Key Laboratory of Coal and Coalbed Methane Comining,Jincheng 048000,China
  • 摘要

    我国煤层气资源丰富但是由于赋存条件复杂勘探开发技术难度大不同地质条件下煤层 气开发技术通用性差等诸多难点导致单井产量普遍较低。 首先梳理了近年来我国煤层气在钻井、 完井压裂排采提高采收率人工智能方面取得的成效和关键技术进展分析了现阶段不同技术 在不同煤储层中的适用性。 然后总结了目前煤层气开发面临的难题与挑战:复杂的煤层地质条 件;对煤层气赋存特点和增产机理认识不够充分;尚未形成针对我国不同煤层地质条件的适用性技 术;“地质-工程一体化理论与技术尚不成熟。 为此提出了煤层气高效开采的总体思路为:特定 条件+适应性关键技术鼓励多气合采煤气共采并提出了几项具体的储备型技术:深部煤层超临 界 CO2径向井注入-聚能压裂-CCUS 一体化液氮-氮气复合循环压裂水平井水力喷射分段造 穴煤层气智能完井与排采决策系统及煤矿区煤层气四区联动井上下联合抽采模式等。 最后, 双碳目标背景下煤层气高效开发的发展方向和趋势提出了建议:实现智能化低碳化配 套化经济化可持续化发展为基本理念研发智能勘探-钻采-生产管控技术装备建设智慧 能源平台和数据中心” 为目标任务围绕“ 地质-工程一体化” 的核心思想强化基础研究实施先导 性示范工程突出原创性引领性颠覆性技术研发构建智慧煤层气田。 以期为煤层气经济高效开 发及可持续发展提供参考与借鉴

  • Abstract

    Coalbed methane(CBM)resources are abundant in China,but a single well production is generally low because of its complicated adsorbedphase conditions,difficulties in exploration and development,poor versatility of CBM development techniques under different geological conditions. In this paper,first,the achievements and key technological progresses of CBM in drilling,completion,stimulation,drainage and production,enhanced CBM and artificial intelligence in recent years were summarized. Then,the applicability of different technologies in different coal reservoirs were reviewed and analyzed. After that,the problems and challenges of CBM development were summarized,including complex coal seam geological conditions,lack of theoretical understanding on the occurrence characteristics of CBM and stimulation mechanisms,underdeveloped applicable technologies for different geological conditions of coal seams in China and immatured theories and technologies for geologyengineering integration. Therefore,the overall CBM development strategy was proposed:specific condition+adaptable techniques,and coproduction of multigases and integration of coal mining and gas production. Several innovative ideas of CBM exploitation were put forward,including injecting supercritical CO2 into deep coal seam by radial wells+shock fracturing+CCUS,liquid nitrogengas nitrogen cyclic fracturing,horizontal well segmented cavitation by hydraulic jet,intelligent decisionmaking system of CBM well completion and drainage,coal and CBM comining “four zones” combined well up and down pumping mode,etc. Finally,some suggestions were proposed for the development of the CBM industry under the background of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. The basic concept is to realize intellectualized,low carbon,packaging,economization,and sustainable development. The goal is to develop intelligent explorationdrillingcompletionproduction equipment and establish an intelligent energy platform and data center. Based on the core idea of geologyengineering integration,it is proposed that the fundamental researches are consolidated,the pilot projects are implemented,the original,cuttingedge and breakthrough technologies are promoted,and the AI CBM fields are established. The purpose of the paper is to provide a reference for the efficient,economic and sustainable development of CBM. 

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane;challenges and problems;development direction;integration of geology engineering;green and low carbon

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    HUANG Zhongwei,LI Guofu,YANG Ruiyue,et al.Review and development trends of coalbed methane exploitation technology in China
    [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(9):3212-3238.
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