Oriented and sand control hydra jet fracturing in coalbed methane horizontal wells and field applications
黄中伟 李志军 李根生杨睿月梅永贵牛继磊李宗源吴春升温海涛丛日超
HUANG Zhongwei ,LI Zhijun ,LI Gensheng,YANG Ruiyue,MEI Yonggui,NIU Jilei,LI Zongyuan,WU Chunsheng,WEN Haitao,CONG Richao
中国石油大学(北京) 油气资源与探测国家重点实验室中国石油华北油田分公司中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院华北油田山西煤层气勘探开发分公司
我国煤层气资源储量丰富,但是单井产量低、增产难度大、稳产期短是煤层气高效开发的瓶 颈难题。 此外,煤层气井在排采过程中普遍存在着由于出砂、出煤粉导致关停井的现象,严重制约 了煤层气的开发效果。 为了实现定点、定向、体积造缝,研发了水力喷射定向多段多簇压裂配套防 砂工艺。 该方法通过采用“反重力法”在水平井段实现喷砂射孔喷嘴的精准定向,集喷砂射孔、水 力封隔、体积压裂为一体,提高产量的同时有效防砂。 以山西沁水盆地郑庄区块 3 号煤层为改造对 象,开展了 2 口 L 型水平井分段压裂工程试验,以“4 点钟—8 点钟”方向定向喷射造缝,取得了良 好的增产和防砂双重效果。 结果表明:1 2 口 L 型套管水平井均压裂 10 段,其中 1 口井含 1 段 2簇、簇间距 10 m,单段平均砂量 50 m3 、液量 800 m3 ,施工顺利,未出现压裂液大量滤失、窜层和砂堵 的问题;2 改造后 2 口井稳定日产气量分别为 10 100,16 000 m3 / d,日产气量达到 10 000 m3 / d 的 提产时间为 1 个月,具有提产速度快、达产时间短、稳产气量高的特点,日产气量是同区块直井单井 日均产气量的 5~9 倍,是水平井单井日均产气量的 1.4~2.3 倍。 3 现场取水样表明水质较清,2 口井均未出砂,排采设备运行平稳。 除了原生结构煤储层改造外,该技术还可推广应用于构造煤顶 底板定向压裂、多层 / 薄互层定点定向穿层改造等,为煤层气水平井的高效开发提供了新的技术支 撑和增产方向。
Coalbed methane resources is abundant in China. But low single well daily production,difficult stimulation and short stable production time are the bottlenecks for efficient development of coalbed methane. In addition,it is common to shut down Wells due to sand production,which seriously restricts the exploitation efficiency of coalbed methane. Hydrajet oriented multistage/multicluster fracturing technology is developed for pinpoint and oriented network fracturing. The abrasive jet perforation,hydraulic isolation,network fracturing,and precise orientation are integrated into this technique. Oriented perforation and fracturing are achieved by using the “antigravity”method to increase production and effectively control sand. No. 3 coal seam in Zhengzhuang block,Qinshui Basin,Shanxi Province is taken as the object of stimulation,2 Lshaped horizontal wells were fractured. Oriented perforation was carried out in the direction of 4 o’clock and 8 o’clock,which achieved a good dual effect of production enhancement and sand control. The results show that:① There are 10 fracturing stages in ZX-1L well and 10 fracturing stages in ZX-2L well (consists of two clusters in one stage,with a cluster spacing of 10 m). The average sand amount in each stage of the two wells is 50 m 3 and 800 m 3 respectively. The fracturing was successful,and there are no problems of fracturing fluid loss,interzonal crossflow and sand plugging. ② The stable daily gas production of the two wells is 10 100 m 3/d and 16 000 m 3/d,respectively,and the time for production increment is one month when the daily gas production reaches 10 000 m 3/d,which has the characteristics of fast production increment speed and high stable gas production. The daily gas production is 5-9 times that of vertical wells and 1.4-2.3 times that of horizontal wells in the same block. ③ The water samples taken from 2 wells showed that the water quality was relatively clear,and no sand was produced. The production equipment ran smoothly. This technology can be widely applied to roof and floororiented fracturing in tectonic coal seam and oriented crossseam fracturing in multilayer/thin interbed,which is expected to provide a new technical idea and stimulation method for the enhancement of coalbed methane production.
coalbed methane, reservoir stimulation, network fracturing, oriented fracturing, sand control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会