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  • Title

    Wear resistance of bionic pitshaped middle trough based on response surface method

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Xuewen,LIU Zhaoyang,LI Bo,MA Jipan,LIU Jun2,5,LI Juanli,MA Haozhou,XIA Rui

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院煤矿综采装备山西省重点实验室矿山采掘装备及智能制造国家重点实验室太重煤机有限公司山西煤矿机械制造股份有限公司

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Equipment;State Key Laboratory of Mining Equipment and Intelligent Manufacturing;Taizhong Coal Machinery Co.,Ltd.;Shanxi Coal Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    刮板输送机是实现煤炭长距离运输的重要装备中部槽是其重要组成部分且长期受到煤 与刮板的混合摩擦作用磨损十分严重。 为了提高中部槽的耐磨性以蜣螂体表的非光滑凹坑结构 为仿生原型借助仿生非光滑理论在中部槽表面设计仿生凹坑型结构研究仿生凹坑型中部槽的 耐磨性。 首先为了可以更高效地进行仿生参数的探究设计了与刮板输送机工作原理类似的磨粒 磨损试验机往复模型并建立了磨粒磨损机 DEM-MBD 双向耦合模型通过 EDEM 离散元法进行 磨损深度分析通过 RecurDyn 多体动力学进行相关约束的建立和仿生中板的受力分析。 其次借 助响应面法对不同凹坑仿生结构的参数组合进行筛选获取耐磨仿生的最佳参数组合结果表明在试验条件下凹坑型仿生中部槽最小磨损深度的参数组合为:形貌圆坑直径 0.9 mm深度 1.8 mm角度 90°横向间距 13.6 mm纵向间距 10 mm其中直径深度和横向间距为显著性影响因 素。 然后为了验证仿真结果的可靠性加工了最优耐磨参数组合下的仿生中板并与光滑中板进 行耐磨性试验对比结果表明:与光滑中板相比凹坑型仿生中板具有良好的减磨性能减磨效率可 达24.81%。 此外通过建立的与SGZ880/800型刮板输送机等比例的简化中部槽模型对凹坑参数 进行了进一步验证发现:最优耐磨参数下的凹坑仿生结构能够有效地减小煤刮板与中板间的三 体磨损中板磨损均匀进一步验证了凹坑仿生耐磨参数组合的合理性。 最后分析其耐磨性发现, 凹坑结构不仅能有效的减小煤散料与中板的接触面积破坏接触的连续性还能使中板与煤散料接 触表面形成空气膜降低摩擦因数

  • Abstract

    Scraper conveyor is an important piece of equipment to realize longdistance transportation of coal. The middle trough is its important component. It has been subject to a mixed friction of coal and scraper (scraper chain) for a long time,and its wear is very serious. To improve the wear resistance of middle trough,the nonsmooth pit structure on the surface of dung beetle is used as a bionic prototype,and with the help of bionic nonsmooth theory,a bionic pit structure is designed on the surface of middle trough,and the wear resistance of the bionic pit type middle trough is studied. Firstly,to explore the bionic parameters more efficiently,the reciprocating model of abrasive wear testing machine similar to the working principle of scraper conveyor is designed,and the DEM-MBD bidirectional coupling model of abrasive wear machine is established. The wear depth is analyzed by the EDEM discrete element,the relevant constraints are established by the RecurDyn multibody dynamics and the force analysis of the bionic middle plate is performed. Secondly,with the aid of response surface method,the parameter combinations of different pit bionic structures are screened to obtain the best parameter combination of wearresistant bionics. The results show that under the experimental conditions,the parameter combinations of the minimum wear depth of the pit bionic middle trough are as follows:shape round pit,diameter 0.9 mm,depth 1.8 mm,angle 90°,transverse spacing 13.6 mm,longitudinal spacing 10 mm,among which the diameter,depth and transverse spacing are significant factors. Thirdly,to verify the reliability of the simulation results,the bionic middle plate under the optimal wearresistant parameter combination is processed,and the wear resistance test is compared with the smooth middle plate. The results show that compared with the smooth middle plate,the pittype bionic middle plate has good antiwear performance,and the antiwear efficiency can reach 24.81%. In addition,the pit parameters are further verified by the simplified middle trough model in the same proportion as the SGZ880/800 scraper conveyor. It is found that the pit bionic structure under the optimal wearresistant parameters can effectively reduce the threebody wear between coal,scraper and middle plate,and the wear of middle plate is uniform,which further verifies the rationality of the combination of pit bionic wearresistant parameters. Finally,by analyzing its wear resistance,it is found that the pit structure can not only effectively reduce the contact area between bulk coal and middle plate and destroy the continuity of contact,but also form an air film on the contact surface between middle plate and bulk coal and reduce the friction coefficient.

  • 关键词

    中部槽磨损凹坑仿生响应面法DEM-MBD 双向耦合

  • KeyWords

    middle trough;wear;pit bionic;response surface method;DEMMBD bidirectional coupling

  • 引用格式
    WANG Xuewen,LIU Zhaoyang,LI Bo,et al.Wear resistance of bionic pitshaped middle trough based on response surface method
    [J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(10):3829-3839.
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