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  • Title

    Review on solar aided coal-fired power generation

  • 作者


  • Author

    HOU Hongjuan,ZHANG Nan,DING Zeyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources,North China Electric Power University;
    SPIC Power Plant Operation Technology Institute;State Grid Energy Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    太阳能热与燃煤电站互补发电(SAPG)系统作为一种新型互补发电技术,在减少燃煤电站CO2排放的同时,可降低光热发电成本,近年来备受关注。首先,基于槽式和塔式太阳能集热场工作原理和运行特点,总结了槽式和塔式太阳能集热场与燃煤机组集成时的多种耦合方案,并对不同耦合方案下系统的集成原理进行分析。因塔式太阳能集热场换热介质的工作温度较高,与燃煤机组的集成部位既可在回热系统侧,也可在锅炉侧,槽式太阳能集热场换热介质工作温度较低,与燃煤机组集成多在回热系统侧。其次,总结了SAPG系统热力性能研究进展,目前针对SAPG系统热力性能的研究多集中在静态性能方面,动态性能分析较少。静态性能分析主要包括设计工况、变工况下系统光电转换效率、太阳能发电功率等性能指标以及蓄热系统对SAPG系统运行影响等。结果表明,无论在何种工况下,SAPG系统中的光电转换效率均明显高于纯光热系统;动态性能分析主要研究太阳辐照强度实时变化、系统云遮等工况下,SAPG系统在一段时间内的参数变化规律,分析太阳辐照扰动对系统运行稳定性、安全性的影响,并制定SAPG系统的运行控制策略。然后,论述了SAPG系统经济性能,经计算,SAPG系统发电成本约0.66元/kWh。对于太阳能贡献度的计算,分析热量比例分配法、抽汽做功能力法、热经济成本法和太阳能贡献度解析算法4种方法,其中太阳能贡献度解析法和热经济成本法不仅考虑了能量、品位,还兼顾太阳热能在系统中的不等价特性,是2种相对准确的太阳能贡献度计算方法。目前SAPG电站的实际工程较少,且多分布在国外,国内仅有大唐天威嘉峪关10 MW槽式光煤互补项目和山西国金2个实际工程项目,实际运行数据及经验相对较少。最后,基于目前SAPG系统研究现状,提出太阳能与燃煤机组互补发电技术未来可能的发展方向,即寻求提升燃煤机组深度调峰能力的SAPG耦合方案、挖掘SAPG系统的热电联供技术将成为SAPG技术重点研究课题。

  • Abstract

    Solar aided coal-fired power generation (SAPG) technology is a new complementary power generation technology, which not only can reduce CO2 emissions of coal-fired power plant, but also decrease the cost of solar thermal power generation, and it has been widely concerned in recent years. Firstly, based on the working principle and operation characteristics of trough and tower solar fields, the different integration schemes of the SAPG system were summarized, the integration principles of the SAPG system with different coupling schemes were analyzed. Due to the high working temperature of the salt in the tower solar field, the integration apartment  between coal-fired unit and solar field can be at the regenerative system or the boiler. For the trough solar field, the integration apartment is at the regenerative system due to the low temperature. Besides, the research status of SAPG system thermal performance was summarized. At present, the research of SAPG system thermal performance is mainly focused on static performance, few are related to the dynamic performance. The static performance analysis mainly includes the system photoelectric conversion efficiency, solar power generation power and other performance indicators under design conditions and variable conditions, as well as the impact of the thermal storage system on the operation of the SAPG system. The results show that the photoelectric conversion efficiency of SAPG system is higher than solar thermal power plant. In the research on dynamic performance, the variations operation parameters in SAPG system when the solar irradiation changes in a period of time was analyzed, and the stability and safety of the system were also discussed during the process. Based on it, the operation control strategy of SAPG system was formulated. After that, the economic performance of SAPG system was introduced.According to the calculation, the levelized cost of energy of SAPG system is about 0.66 yuan/kWh. For the calculation of solar energy contribution, four methods: heat proportional distribution method, extraction capacity method, thermal economic cost method and solar energy contribution analysis algorithm were analyzed. Among them, the energy grade and the unequal characteristics of solar thermal energy in the system are taken into account in thermal economic cost method and solar energy contribution analysis algorithm. At present, few real SAPG power station are built, and most of them are distributed abroad. There are only two practical projects in China, which are Datang Tianwei Jiayuguan 10 MW trough SAPG project and Shanxi Guojin SAPG project, with relatively few actual operation data and experience. At last, based on the research status of SAPG system, the possible development direction of the SAPG technology were presented in the future: that is, seeking the SAPG coupling scheme to enhance the deep peak shaving capacity of coal-fired units, and the development of the combined heat and power generation technology of the SAPG system will become the key research topic of the SAPG technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    solar energy;coal-fired units;integration scheme;thermal performance;solar contribution;economic performance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 太阳能热与燃煤机组发电集成方案

       1.1 槽式SAPG系统集成方案

       1.2 塔式SAPG系统集成方案

    2 太阳能热与燃煤机组发电系统技术

       2.1 系统性能

       2.2 太阳能贡献度评价方法

    3 太阳能热与燃煤机组发电系统经济性分析

    4 SAPG系统工程应用与发展趋势

       4.1 SAPG系统工程应用

       4.2 未来发展方向

    5 结语及展望

  • 引用格式
    HOU Hongjuan,ZHANG Nan,DING Zeyu.Review on solar aided coal-fired power generation[J].Clean Coal Technology,2022,28(11):49-56.
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 槽式SAPG系统集成方案1和2系统示意

    图(3) / 表(0)


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