• 全部
  • Title

    Research on surrounding rock control technology of deep roadway based on butterfly failure theory

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Weijun, FAN Lei, MA Yujie, YUAN Chao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Resource, Environment and Safety Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    At present, roadway surrounding rock control is still one of the major problems in deep mining of coal resources. The formation and development of the plastic zone of the surrounding rock is the main cause of large deformation and failure of roadway. In this paper, the formation and development of plastic zone and its influence on the stability of roadway are studied by numerical simulation. Through theoretical analysis and laboratory experiments, the mechanism of bolt support is studied and the internal relationship between support and surrounding rock deformation is expounded. Based on butterfly failure theory, the control principle of surrounding rock in deep roadway is discussed, and the control technology of surrounding rock in deep roadway is put forward and applied in engineering. The results show that: ① Bolt support can effectively reduce the deformation of surrounding rock, but cannot control the deformation of roadway. Under the existing support level, there is some uncontrollable deformation of surrounding rock in roadway, namely ‘given deformation’. And the ‘given deformation’ increases with the increase of roadway buried depth. ② The control effect of bolt support for roadway surrounding rock dilatancy, slip and other non-continuous deformation is obvious, but for the continuous deformation of intact rock is very limited. Therefore, bolt support mainly controls the total deformation of roadway by controlling the discontinuous deformation of rock mass in plastic zone of roadway. ③ The total deformation of roadway mainly includes ‘given deformation’ and ‘residual deformation after supporting’. The main way of roadway surrounding rock control is to reduce ‘ residual deformation after supporting’. ④ The mechanism of bolt support requires that the anchor foundation must always be located in the complete rock mass. Therefore, the shape of plastic zone after roadway excavation and the development law of plastic zone in the service period are very important for the design of bolt support. The difference of roadway plastic zone shape and its mechanical response determines that the roadway support must be designed differently.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    deep roadway; surrounding rock control; given deformation; supporting mechanism; butterfly damage; differential support

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言
    1 锚杆支护与围岩变形的关系分析
    1.1 锚杆支护作用与极限
    1.2 锚杆支护的作用机理
    2 深部巷道围岩大变形成因分析
    2.1 巷道围岩的蝶形破坏理论
    2.2 巷道大变形成因分析
    2.2.1 给定变形的存在使巷道总变形量过大
    2.2.2 巷道支护结构与塑性区范围不相协调
    2.2.3 多次巷道返修导致巷道塑性区发生扩展
    3 基于蝶形破坏理论的巷道围岩控制技术
    3.1 控制原则
    3.1.1 预留变形空间
    3.1.2 锚杆支护的差异化设计
    3.2 控制技术
    4 工程应用
    4.1 工程概况
    4.2 巷道应力环境与破坏特征分析
    4.2.1 地应力测试
    4.2.2 塑性区分布及巷道破坏成因分析
    4.3 支护设计与效果分析
    4.3.1 设计原理
    4.3.2 具体支护参数
    4.3.3 支护效果分析
    5 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    WANG Weijun,FAN Lei,MA Yujie,et al. Research on surrounding rock control technology of deep roadway based on butterfly failure theory[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):157−167
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  • 图表
    • 不同应力环境下支护强度与围岩变形量关系

    图(30) / 表(0)


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