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基于 Fourier 级数的露天矿抛掷爆破效果 GA-LSSVM 预测
  • Title

    GA-LSSVM prediction of blasting casting effect in open⁃pit mine based on Fourier series

  • 作者

    马力李天翔来兴平许 晨孙伟博薛 飞徐甜新

  • Author

    MA Li,LI Tianxiang,LAI Xingping,XU Chen,SUN Weibo,XUE Fei,XU Tianxin

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 能源学院,陕西 西安710054西安科技大学 露天采矿技术研究所神华准格尔能源有限责任公司 黑岱沟露天煤矿

  • Organization
    1.College of Energy Engineering,Xi’an University of Science and Technology;2.Institute of Surface Mining Technology,Xi’an Uni⁃
    versity of Science and Technology;3.Heidaigou Open⁃Pit Coal Mine,Shenhua Zhungeer Energy Co.,Ltd.
  • 摘要

    抛掷爆破效果直接影响露天矿剥离成本对抛掷爆破的拉斗铲倒堆工艺生产效率有重要影 响为提高露天煤矿抛掷爆破效果预测准确率进而提高反馈爆破参数优化设计精度在分析露天 矿抛掷爆破效果影响因素的基础上提出一种遗传算法GA优化最小二乘支持向量机LSSVM的抛掷爆破效果预测模型。 引入傅里叶级数模型模拟爆堆剖面曲线利用训练完成的 GA-LSSVM 预测Fourier级数模型控制参数A0θanbn进而输出预测的爆堆形态。 依据内蒙古黑岱沟露天 煤矿抛掷爆破实测数据进行实例分析选取台阶高度剖面宽炸药单耗最小抵抗线排距孔距、 坡面角采空区上口宽采空区下口宽松方体积有效抛掷量作为 GA-LSSVM 预测模型的输入参 数A0θanbn最远抛掷距离松散系数和有效抛掷率作为输出参数建立露天矿抛掷爆破效 果 GA-LSSVM 预测模型并将偏最小二乘回归模型(PLSR)、LSSVM 模型粒子群算法优化最小二 乘支持向量机模型(PSO-LSSVM)与其进行对比。 结果表明:通过 2~7 阶 Fourier 展开级数对爆 堆剖面曲线模拟分析确定阶数为 时模拟精度与效率达到最优其误差平方和SSE为 21.593 4, 决定系数(R2)与调整后的决定系数(R2adj)为 0.999 2均方根误差(RMSE)为 0.479 3;相较于传 统 LSSVM 预测模型通过 GA 优化后最远抛掷距离松散系数以及有效抛掷率均获得更高的 R2(111)和更小的 RMSE(0.180 90.000 70.000 2),说明改进后的 GA-LSSVM 具有更好的模拟 效果和泛化能力;与 PSO-LSSVMLSSVMPLSR 模型相比GA-LSSVM 模型对抛掷爆破效果的 预测精度(R2RMSE)更高且优势明显;结合 阶 Fourier 级数的 GA-LSSVM 模型与采用 Weibull 函数的 BP 或 GA-ELM 等模型相比对爆堆形态的预测具有更高的操作效率及预测精度

  • Abstract
    The blast casting effect directly affects the stripping cost of open⁃pit mine,and has an important impact on the production efficiency of the throwing⁃blasting⁃draw bucket dumping process system. Based on the influencing factors of mine blast casting effect,a prediction model of blast casting effect using genetic algorithm (GA) optimized least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) was proposed. The Fourier series model was introduced for the first time to simulate the profile curve of the explosion,and the trained GA-LSSVM was used to predict the Fourier se⁃ ries model control parameters A0,θ,an and bn,and then output the predicted explosion shape. Based on the actu⁃ al measurement data of blast casting in the Heidaigou Open⁃pit Coal Mine, the parameters were selected, such as the height of the bench, the width of the section, the unit consumption of explosives, the minimum resistance line,the row spacing,the hole spacing,the slope angle,the widths of the upper opening and the lower opening of the gob,loose square volume,and effective throwing volume,as the input parameters of the GA-LSSVM predic⁃ tion model,and the A0,θ,an,bn,the farthest throwing distance,loosening coefficient and effective throwing rate were used as output parameters to establish the GA-LSSVM model for predicting the blast casting effect at open⁃pit mine. In addition,the LSSVM prediction model was compared with the Partial Least Squares Regression Model (PLSR),LSS⁃ VM Model,and Particle Swarm Optimization Least Squares Support Vector Machine Model (PSO-LSSVM). The re⁃ sults show that 1 the detonation profile curve is simulated and analyzed by the Fourier expansion series of orders 2 to 7,and it is determined that the simulation accuracy and efficiency are optimal when the order is 4,the sum of squares of errors ( SSE ) is 21. 593 4, and the coefficient of determination ( R2 ) and the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj) is 0.999 2,and the root mean square error (RMSE) is 0.479 3; 2 compared with the tradition⁃ al LSSVM prediction model,after the GA optimization,the farthest throwing distance,the loose coefficient and the ef⁃ fective throwing rate are all higher R2 value (1,1,1) and a smaller RMSE value (0.180 9,0.000 7,0.000 2) are ob⁃ tained,indicating that the improved GA-LSSVM has better simulation effect and generalization ability; 3 compared with PSO-LSSVM,LSSVM,and PLSR,the GA-LSSVM model has a higher prediction accuracy (R2,RMSE) for the blasting effect of throwing and has obvious advantages; and 4 compared with models such as GA-ELM,the prediction of the explosion shape has higher operational efficiency and prediction accuracy.
  • 关键词

    露天煤矿抛掷爆破Fourier 级数GA-LSSVM预测模型

  • KeyWords

    open⁃pit mine;blast casting;Fourier series;GA-LSSVM;prediction model

  • 引用格式
    马力,李天翔,来兴平,等.基于 Fourier 级数的露天矿抛掷爆破效果 GA-LSSVM 预测[J].煤炭学报,2022,47(12):4455-4465.
  • Citation
    MA Li,LI Tianxiang,LAI Xingping,et al.GA-LSSVM prediction of blasting casting effect in open⁃pit mine based on Fourier series[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2022,47(12):4455-4465.
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