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  • Title

    Optimization on working face length of blast casting strippingsystem in comprehensive technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    MA Li, ZHANG Jianguo, LAI Xingping,SUN Jiandong,LIU Chendong,LUO Qiang,HAN Liu

  • 单位

    西安科技大学 能源学院中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室华北科技学院 安全学院中国矿业大学 矿业工程学院

  • Organization
    College of Energy Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology;State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology;School of Safety Engineering,North China Institute of Science and Technology;School of Mines,China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    为了优化综合工艺条件下抛掷爆破-拉斗铲倒堆剥离系统工作线长度,在分析抛掷爆破剥离台阶与综合工艺系统间耦合影响关系的基础上,确定了剥采工程延深程序约束下的抛掷爆破剥离台阶推进度是综合工艺系统中的制约性因素,以神华黑岱沟露天煤矿综合工艺系统为背景,系统地分析了抛掷爆破剥离系统工作线长度对综合工艺剥离费用、内排运输费用及倒堆工艺作业效率间的影响关系,并建立了影响关系模型。以间断工艺剥离费用、运输费用与抛掷爆破-拉斗铲倒堆工艺剥离费用构成的综合工艺总剥离费用最小为目标函数,确定了综合工艺总剥离费用与抛掷爆破台阶工作线长度的函数关系,以工作线两翼分区作业最小工作线长度、拉斗铲系统生产能力、露天矿生产能力、工作线长度非负等为约束条件,构建了综合工艺条件下抛掷爆破剥离系统工作线长度的约束非线性规划模型。依据黑岱沟露天煤矿综合工艺实测数据,求解结果表明:① 综合工艺总剥离费用和最佳工作线长度随生产能力增大而增大,而最佳工作线长度也与拉斗铲年实动率影响的年作业时间密切相关。② 在当前拉斗铲实动率及系统开采参数条件下,满足产能34 Mt/a要求的最佳工作线长度应为2.29 km,而现有采区划分实际条件所限定的2.30 km工作线长度及工况条件恰能满足34 Mt/a的生产能力要求。③ 在相同生产能力条件下,随拉斗铲实动率的增大,最佳工作线长度及总剥离费用都呈现降低趋势。

  • Abstract

    In order to optimize the working face length of casting blast stripping system under the condition of comprehensive technology, on the basis of analyzing the coupling influence relationship between the casting blast stripping bench and the comprehensive technology system, the advancing speed of the casting blast stripping bench is determined as the restrictive factor in the comprehensive technology system under the constraints of the deepening procedure of the stripping and excavating engineering. By taking the comprehensive technology system of Heidaigou surface coal mine as the background, the influence of working face length of casting blast stripping system on the cost of comprehensive technology stripping, the transportation cost of internal exhaust and the operation efficiency of the stripping system was systematically analyzed, as well as the influence relation model was established. The minimum of the total stripping cost of comprehensive technology composed of the excavating cost and transportation cost of discontinued technology and the stripping cost of casting blast dragline technology was taken as the objective function, and the functional relationship between the total stripping cost of the comprehensive technology and the working face length of the casting blasting bench was determined. Besides, the minimum working face length of two partition, dragline system capacity, surface mine production capacity and working face length nonnegative considered was selected as constraint conditions, a constrained nonlinear programming model for the working face length of the casting blasting stripping system under the comprehensive technology conditions was constructed. According to the measured data of the comprehensive technology of the Heidaigou surface coal mine, the calculation results show: ① the comprehensive technology stripping cost and the optimal working face length increase with the increase of production capacity, and the optimal working face length is also closely related to the annual operating time affected by the annual actual rate of dragline. ② Under the current conditions of dragline actuation rate and system mining parameters, the optimal working face length to meet the production capacity requirements of 34 Mt/a should be 2.29 km, while the working face length of 2.30 km limited by the actual conditions of the existing mining area division and working conditions can meet the production capacity requirements of 34 Mt/a. ③ Under the same production capacity, the optimum working face length and the total stripping cost decrease with the increase of dragline actual operating rate.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    blast casting; stripping technology; working face length; nonlinear programming;surface coal mine

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    1 抛掷爆破剥离台阶与综合工艺系统间耦合影响关系

    2 抛掷爆破剥离台阶工作线长度对露天矿生产影响

       2.1 工作线长度对综合工艺剥离费用的影响

       2.2 工作线长度对间断工艺内排运输费用的影响

       2.3 工作线长度对倒堆工艺作业效率的影响

    3 抛掷爆破剥离台阶工作线长度优化

       3.1 基于总剥离费用最小的综合优化模型

       3.2 工程优化

    4 结论

  • 引用格式
    MA Li,ZHANG Jianguo,LAI Xingping,et al.Optimization on working face length of blast casting stripping system in comprehensive technology[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2021,46(10):3186-3192.
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