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  • Title

    Study on temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of water accumulation in coal mining subsidence area with high groundwater level: taking Anhui Province Mining Area as an example

  • 作者

    孙 茹朱晓峻 张鹏飞梁 明张 鑫宁正源彭雪妮刘 辉杨晓玉黄文山颜 宇段长征

  • Author

    SUN Ru , ZHU Xiaojun, ZHANG Pengfei , LIANG Ming , ZHANG Xin , NING Zhengyuan , PENG Xueni , LIU Hui , YANG Xiaoyu , HUANG Wenshan , YAN Yu , DUAN Changzheng

  • 单位

    安徽大学 安徽省矿山生态修复工程实验室淮北市自然资源和规划局合肥财经职业学院自然资源部城市国土资源监测与仿真重点实验室,广东 深圳 518034

  • Organization
    Anhui Province Engineering Laboratory for Mine Ecological Remediation, Anhui University
    Huaibei City Natural Resources and Planning Bureau
    Hefei Vocational College of Finance and Economics
    Key Laboratory of Urban Land Resources Monitoring and Simulation, Ministry of Natural Resources
  • 摘要

    随着煤炭资源大面积、高强度开采,高潜水位矿区积水问题尤为突出,对周围生态环境产生了严重影响。为了给采煤沉陷积水区生态环境修复提供科学依据,开展了高潜水位采煤沉陷区积水的时空演化特征研究和影响因素分析。以整个安徽省矿区为研究区域,基于Landsat TM/OLI遥感数据,采用归一化水体指数法(NDWI)和目视解译法对1995—2020年(共计22期)和2020年12个月份(12期)沉陷区积水区域进行提取,获取了近25年安徽省采煤沉陷区积水空间信息,并结合水文和降雨资料分析和讨论了沉陷区积水时空演化的影响因素。结果表明:①近25年来,安徽省采煤沉陷区积水面积的增长呈“缓慢—快速—稳定”3阶段分布特征。研究期内平均积水面积增长了约6倍,从18.95 km2增长到118.09 km2,年均增长3.97 km2。②从时间尺度上沉陷区积水演化分为3阶段:第1阶段(1995—2005年),由于积水初步形成还未稳定,增长速度较为缓慢,年均增长率为4.65%;第2阶段(2005—2013年),基于安徽省煤炭开采量进入快速增长期,积水面积也增长迅速,年均增长率为6.64%;第3阶段(2013—2020年)增长率开始不断减小,积水面积逐渐趋于稳定,年均增长率为3.42%。空间尺度上,安徽省沉陷区积水主要集中在淮南市和淮北市,约占全部积水面积的70%。③安徽省采煤沉陷区积水演化长时间尺度的主要影响因素是煤炭开采量,短时间尺度的主要影响因素则是大气降雨。④利用Logistic回归曲线建立了安徽省采煤沉陷区积水面积预测模型,预测得到在未来一段时间安徽省采煤沉陷积水面积将仍处于低速增长阶段,到2030年,枯水期积水区面积约达到130 km2。获取了高精度的沉陷区积水信息,分析了其时空演化规律及影响因素,可以给高潜水位采煤沉陷区积水的治理以及沉陷区的生态修复提供科学依据。

  • Abstract

    In recent years, with the large-scale and high-intensity mining of coal resources, the problem of water accumulation in mining areas with high groundwater levels has become particularly prominent, which has had a serious impact on the surrounding ecological environment. In order to provide scientific basis for the restoration of the ecological environment, the study on the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics and influencing factors of the coal mining subsidence area with high groundwater level were carried out. Taking the whole mining area of Anhui Province as the research subject, based on Landsat TM/OLI remote sensing data, the NDWI and visual interpretation method were used to conduct surveys on the water accumulation area in the subsidence area from 1995 to 2020 (22 periods ) and 12 months in 2020 (12 periods) and the spatial information of waterlogging in the coal mining subsidence area in Anhui Province in recent 25 years was obtained. Combined with hydrological and rainfall data, the factors affecting the spatio-temporal evolution of waterlogging in the subsidence area were analyzed and discussed. The results show that: ① In the past 25 years, the area of accumulated water in the coal mining subsidence area in Anhui Province has been growing in three stages: slow, fast and stable. During the study period, the average stagnant area increased by about 6 times, from 18.95 km2 to 118.09 km2, with an average annual increase of 3.97 km2. ② From the time scale, the evolution of accumulation area in the subsidence area can be divided into three stages: the first stage (1995—2005), due to the fact that most of the accumulation water has not yet stabilized initially, the growth rate is relatively slow, with an average annual growth rate of 4.65%; In the second stage (2005—2013), based on the rapid growth of coal mining, the area of accumulation water has also entered a period of rapid growth, with an average annual growth rate of 6.64%; In the third stage (2013—2020), the growth rate has begun to decrease, and the accumulation water has gradually stabilized, with an average annual growth rate of 3.42%. From the spatial scale, the accumulation water is mainly concentrated in Huainan and Huaibei cities, accounting for about 70% of the total accumulated water area. ③The long-term factor for the change of the water accumulation is coal mining volume, while the main influencing factor in short time scale is atmospheric rainfall. ④The logistic regression curve was used to establish a prediction model for the water accumulation area of coal mining subsidence in Anhui Province. It is predicted that the coal mining subsidence water area in Anhui Province will still be in a low-speed growth stage in the future. By 2030, the accumulation area in the dry season will reach about 130 km2. The high-precision water accumulation information in the subsidence area was obtained, and its temporal and spatial evolution laws and influencing factors were analyzed, which can provide a scientific basis for the treatment of water accumulation in the coal mining subsidence area with high groundwater level and the ecological restoration of the subsidence area.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    high groundwater level;coal mining subsidence area;water accumulation;remote sensing monitoring;spatiotemporal evolution;predictive analysis

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孙 茹,朱晓峻,张鹏飞,等. 高潜水位采煤沉陷区积水时空演化特征研究−以安徽省矿区为例[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2022,50(12):215−224
  • Citation
    SUN Ru,ZHU Xiaojun,ZHANG Pengfei,et al. Study on temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of water accumulation in coal mining subsidence area with high groundwater level: taking Anhui Province Mining Area as an example[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2022,50(12):215−224
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