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  • Title

    Research status and prospect on cultivated land damage at surface subsidence basin due to longwall mining in thecentral coal grain compound area

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Wenbing,ZHAO Gaobo,BAI Erhu,MA Chao,NIE Xiaojun,CHEN Junjie,ZHANG Hebing

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University; State Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean-efficiency Utilization; Department of Mining Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV;School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University
  • 摘要

    河南作为中原地区产煤和产粮大省,煤炭安全高效开采与耕地保护粮食增产的矛盾较为 突出。 如何修复因开采煤炭导致损毁的耕地保护矿区未损毁的耕地,同时稳定煤炭产能,是中部 矿粮复合区目前面临的重大难题之一。 在分析了中部矿粮复合区典型特征与其面临的瓶颈问题基 础上,从采动覆岩与含()水层破坏采动地表沉陷规律与土壤退化矿区耕地损毁及农作物长 势源头减沉控损与土地损毁修复技术等 个方面分析了采煤沉陷及耕地损毁问题的研究发展历 程,包括采动覆岩含水层破坏及结构失稳采动覆岩破坏充分采动定义及判据采动地表沉陷 与覆岩破坏整体响应行为地表沉陷对土壤退化与耕地损毁影响沉陷区耕地损毁识别与农作物长 势监测煤矿开采损毁土地修复技术等;在现有成果分析的基础上,展望了中部矿粮复合区采煤沉 陷及耕地损毁的 个发展方向:采动覆岩结构失稳与含水层破坏传导机理采动地表沉陷规 律与土地损毁作用机理矿区耕地损毁及农作物长势时空演变规律与源头减沉控损与耕地损毁高 效协同修复技术,以便揭示“ 覆岩破坏地表沉陷耕地损毁作物响应” 传导驱动机制,形成中 部矿粮复合区源头减沉控损与耕地损毁高效协同修复的综合技术体系,为煤矿绿色开采与保障粮 食安全提供理论和技术支撑

  • Abstract

    As a large coal and grain producing province in Central China,the contradiction between safe and efficient coal mining and cultivated land protection,grain production is more prominent in Henan Province. How to re- pair the damaged farmland due to coal mining,protect the undamaged farmland in the mining area,and stabilize the coal production capacity is one of the major problems facing the central coal grain compound area. Based on the analysis of the typical characteristics and the bottleneck problems of the central coal grain compound area,this paper analyzes the research and development progress of mining subsidence and farmland damage from four aspects:mining overburden and aquifer damage,surface subsidence law and soil degradation,mining farmland damage and crop growth,source subsid- ence control and land damage repair technology. It includes the failure of aquifer and structural instability,the definition and criterion of full mining,the overall response behavior of surface subsidence and overburden failure,the impact of sur- face subsidence on soil degradation and cultivated land damage,the identification of cultivated land damage and crop growth monitoring in subsidence area,and the remediation technology of coal mining damaged land. Based on the a- nalysis of the current investigations,four development directions of mining subsidence and cultivated land damage in the central mine grain complex area are presented:the transmission mechanism of overburden strata structure instabili- ty and aquifer damage caused by mining,the law of mining induced surface subsidence and the mechanism of land dam- age,temporal and spatial evolution law of cultivated land damage and crop growth in mining area,and the efficient col- laborative restoration technology for controlling overburden failure and reducing surface subsidence from the source. These four directions will help to obtain the transmission coupling mechanism of ‘overburden failure-surface subsid- ence-cultivated land damage-crop responses’. Finally,the paper will present an efficient collaborative rehabilita- tion technological system for mining subsidence and cultivated land damage in central coal grain compound area. It will provide theoretical and technical supports for green coal mining and food security.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    central coal grain compound area;overburden failure;surface subsidence;cultivated land damage;crop re- sponses

  • 文章目录

    1 中部矿粮复合区概况

    2 采动覆岩与含(隔)水层破坏

       2.1 采动覆岩破坏及结构失稳

       2.2 覆岩破坏充分采动的定义及判据

       2.3 采动含(隔)水层破坏及其判据

    3 采动地表沉陷规律与土壤退化

       3.1 采动地表沉陷规律

       3.2 采动地表沉陷与覆岩破坏整体响应行为

       3.3 地表沉陷对土壤退化的影响

    4 矿区耕地损毁及农作物长势

       4.1 沉陷区耕地损毁识别及时空演变规律

       4.2 采动影响下沉陷区农作物长势监测

    5 源头减沉控损与土地损毁修复技术

       5.1 源头减沉控损技术

       5.2 煤炭开采损毁土地修复技术

    6 问题与展望

       6.1 存在问题

       6.2 研究展望

  • 引用格式
    GUO Wenbing,ZHAO Gaobo,BAI Erhu,et al.Research status and prospect on cultivated land damage at surface subsidence basin due to longwall mining in thecentral coal grain compound area[J].Journal of China Coal Society,
    2023,48(1) :388- 401.
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    • 河南六大矿区煤炭开采导致作物减产流程

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