• 全部
  • Title

    Critical failure of overlying rock strata and its criteria induced by high-intensity longwall mining

  • 作者


  • Author

    GUO Wenbing,ZHAO Gaobo,BAI Erhu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Energy Science and Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University, Synergism Innovative Center of Coal Safety Productionin Henan Province
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    The overburden failure height caused by longwall mining is of great significance to under water body mining,water conservation mining and gas control in the mining of liberated strata.The overburden failure height,overburden critical failure and its criteria induced by high intensity longwall mining were investigated by means of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation.Based on the definition of overburden critical failure,its characteristics and influencing factors were analyzed,including the mining height,mining size (the strike length and dip length of a panel),mining depth and strata lithology.A theoretical assessment method of overburden critical failure was proposed based on trapezoidal area and quadrilateral prism volume.Overburden failure and surface subsidence due to longwall mining were simplified as four kinds of mining volumes,i.e.,the cuboid volume of gob,the quadrangle volume of pre damaged overburden,the volume of damaged overburden and the volume of surface subsidence.The theoretical equation of overburden failure height when overburden critical failure is achieved and the judgement equation of “two zones” overburden failure mode were obtained.Based on a high intensity mining panel,the 3D numerical models that consider the maximum horizontal principal stress and minimum horizontal stress and their orientations with the panel advance direction were established.The influence of different factors (mining height,mining size and mining depth) on overburden critical failure was analyzed by the numerical simulation.The results show that the advanced distance when the overburden critical failure is reached is inversely proportional to the dip length and depth to thickness ratio of the panel.The criteria of overburden critical failure in high intensity mining and its applicable conditions is given and applied to some panels.It can provide an important theoretical basis for the measurement of the maximum overburden failure height and the safe mining under the water body.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    criteria of overburden critical failure,longwall mining,high-intensity longwall mining,strata movement

  • 文章目录

    1 覆岩破坏充分采动特征及影响因素

    2 覆岩破坏充分采动理论

        2.1 二维覆岩破坏充分采动理论

        2.2 三维覆岩破坏充分采动理论

    3 覆岩破坏充分采动数值模拟

        3.1 数值模拟方案

        3.2 数值模拟结果

    4 高强度开采覆岩破坏充分采动判据

        4.1 覆岩破坏充分采动模拟结果

        4.2 高强度开采覆岩破坏充分采动判据

        4.3 工程实例验证

    5 结论

  • 引用格式
    郭文兵,赵高博,白二虎. 煤矿高强度长壁开采覆岩破坏充分采动及其判据[J]. 煤炭学报,2020,45(11):3657-3666.
  • Citation
    GUO Wenbing,ZHAO Gaobo,BAI Erhu. Critical failure of overlying rock strata and its criteria induced by high-intensity
    longwall mining[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2020,45(11):3657-3666.
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  • 图表
    • 覆岩破坏过程及覆岩破坏非充分采动、充分采动

    图(13) / 表(0)


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