• 全部
  • Title

    Research on intelligent dual prevention mechanism and intelligent security control platform of coal mine

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Shuang, HE Chao, LU Cheng, XU Kun, XUE Guangzhe

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Economics and Management, China University of Mining and Technology
    Safety Science and Emergency Management Research Institute, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    At present, China’s industrial production is facing intelligent technological innovation, and the coal mining industry is also in the wave of intelligent construction. The technical innovation of coal mine intelligence impels coal mine safety management into intelligence, and intelligent coal mine safety in the direction of intelligent safety risk control is the safety premise and safety guarantee of intelligent coal mine construction. To address the key issues of coal mine production safety risk prevention and control, the basic logic of the dual prevntion mechanism and its shortcomings are firstly clarified. Double prevention mechanism is a set of effective safety manage- ment methods to prevent and control serious production safety incidents by identifying safety risks in advance, formulating corresponding control measures, and combining with closed-loop treatment procedures for hidden danger investigation. Its shortcoming is that the dynamic change characteristics of risks are not fully considered. Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of the dual prevention mechanism, the logic of the intelligent dual prevention mechanism and its advantages under the requirements of intelligent safety management are systematically elaborated. Based on the inherent risk classification and control, intelligent double prevention realizes dynamic assessment and prediction and early warning of the remaining risks, so that corresponding control measures can be taken to avoid hidden dangers beforethe risks really get out of control. Based on the management method of double prevention mechanism, the intelligent double prevention  mechanism and intelligent safety control platform are proposed, and its system architecture, operation logic and construction basis are discussed. For safety management work, the intelligent safety control platform scientifically answers a series of questions about which person, when, where and what to check. On the basis of regular full-coverage control of each risk, it realizes differentiated resource input for different risk levels and timely and advanced control of hidden dangers, which makes all safety management activities simple while improving safety management performance. On the basis of the control platform, the key technologies required for the platform are discussed. These include digitization, collection and transmission of comprehensive security data, storage and management of comprehensive security data, intelligent algorithm models based on security management scenarios, integration of intelligent hardware with the control platform, and data visualization display and remote interaction technologies based on CPS or digital twin. Based on the double prevention mechanism, the intelligent double prevention mechanism and intelligent safety control platform are proposed. On the basis of lean allocation of safety resources, it realizes the advance control of safety risks, and then fundamentally improves the safety level of the enterprise and realizes the essential safety.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal mine; intelligent dual prevention; safety control; dynamic evaluation; coal mine

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言
    1 双重预防机制及其逻辑
    2 智能双重预防机制逻辑及其优点
    3 基于智能双重预防的智能安全管控平台设计
    3.1 智能安全管控平台建设目的及系统架构
    3.2 智能安全管控平台数据流程逻辑
    3.3 智能安全管控平台建设与运行基础
    4 智能安全管控平台的关键技术
    4.1 全面安全数据数字化、采集与传输
    4.2 全面安全数据的存储与管理
    4.3 基于安全管理场景的智能算法模型
    4.4 智能化硬件与管控平台的集成
    4.5 基于CPS或数字孪生的数据可视化展示与远程交互
    5 结论

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    LI Shuang,HE Chao,LU Cheng,et al. Research on intelligent dual prevention mechanism and intelligent security control platform of coal mine[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(1):464−473
  • 相关文章
  • 相关专题
  • 图表
    • 双重预防机制基本逻辑

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