• 全部
  • Title

    Coal mine methane emissions quantification based on vehicle-based monitoring

  • 作者


  • Author

    GAO Lan;MAO Huiqin;LU Xi

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment, TsinghuaUniversity
    Satellite Environment Application Center, Ministry of Ecology and Environment
    Institute for Carbon Neutrality, Tsinghua University
    Beijing Laboratory of Environmental Frontier Technologies, Tsinghua University
  • 摘要
    对增温贡献最大的“非二”温室气体———甲烷(CH4)排放的准确核算,是制定减排政策与检验减排效果的基础。 针对“自下而上”方法对煤矿 CH4排放量化的不足,本研究系统考虑山西省晋城市某一示范煤矿区的地形、气象条件和基础设施分布,基于搭载了高精度温室气体分析仪的走航监测平台,结合移动式与下风向静止式两种监测方法,利用 AERMOD 大气扩散模型反演煤矿 CH4排放强度,并获得重点排放源的 CH4排放因子。 结果表明,非生产状态下,单个风井排放速率为 763 kg / h,比正常工况下的企业排放数据低了 15.9%;在不考虑无组织排放的情况下,整个园区的 CH4排放因子为 15.09 m3 / t,比“自下而上”清单低了 13.8%,说明矿区工况对 CH4排放起到较大影响。 煤矿园区的主要排放点源为 1 个风井与 2 个抽放泵站排气口,而无组织排放源为 6 个原煤仓;三者的排放因子呈现出递减变化,分别为 8.6 m3 / t(43%)、6.49 m3 / t(33%)和4.87m3 / t(24%)。 传统的“自下而上” 方法由于缺少对无组织排放源的考虑,即便在非生产状态下,也会造成整个矿区甲烷排放近 24%的低估,而基于走航监测的甲烷核算方法能够弥补这一缺失。
  • Abstract
    Obtaining accurate emissions of methane (CH4), one of the most important non-carbon-di⁃oxide greenhouse gases, is the basis for formulating and validating emission reduction policies. In termsof shortcomings from the " bottom-up" approach, this study combined the vehicle-based monitoringand the AERMOD atmospheric dispersion modeling system to derive the emission rates and emissionfactors of main CH4 sources in one demonstration coal mine in Jincheng city, Shanxi province. Aftersystematically considering the topography, meteorological conditions, and infrastructure distribution ofthe coal mine, both the mobile and downwind stationary monitoring alternatives were adopted, using aplatform equipped with a high-precision greenhouse gas analyzer. Results showed that the simulatedCH4emission rate of a single ventilation shaft under non-production condition (763 kg / h) was about15.9% lower than the data provided by the enterprise in production. If ignoring the fugitive emissions,the derived CH4 emission factor of the coal mine was 15.09 m3 / t, which was 13.8% smaller than thatin " bottom-up" inventory, indicating that the working conditions of the coal mine played a large rolein CH4 emissions. One ventilation shaft and two vent stacks in the gas gathering station were the mainpoint sources, and six coal silos were the fugitive sources, the emission factors of which were 8.6 m3 / t(43%), 6.49 m3 / t (33%) and 4.87 m3 / t (24%), respectively. The traditional " bottom-up" ac⁃counting without consideration of fugitive emissions, resulted in a nearly 24% underestimation of CH4emissions even under non-production conditions, which could be compensated by the methane quantifi⁃cation method based on vehicle-based monitoring.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Coal mine; Methane emissions; Vehicle-based monitoring; AERMOD

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    高澜, 毛慧琴, 鲁玺. 基于走航监测的煤矿甲烷排放量化[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(1): 178-183.
  • Citation
    GAO Lan, MAO Huiqin, LU Xi. Coal mine methane emissions quantification based on vehicle-based monitoring[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(1): 178-183.
  • 相关专题

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