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“人本智造与 XR+”驱动的综采工作面人机协同 智能化运行模式探索与实践
  • Title

    Exploration and practice of the human-machine collaborative intelligent operation mode of fully mechanized coal mining face driven by humanistic intelligent manufacturing and XR+ technology

  • 作者


  • Author

    XIE Jiacheng,FANG Shukai,WANG Xuewen,LIU Shuguang,LI Juanli,WANG Xuesong,MENG Hao

  • 单位

    太原理工大学 机械与运载工程学院煤矿综采装备山西省重点实验室新加坡国立大学 设计与工程学院智能采矿装备技术全国重点实验室

  • Organization
    College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology;Shanxi Key Laboratory of Fully Mechanized Coal Mining Equipment;College of Design and Engineering,National University of Singapore;National Key Laboratory of Intelligent Mining Equipment Technology
  • 摘要

    煤矿开采当前仍然处于部分无人化的发展阶段,人仍然在综采系统中扮演着重要的角色智能化综采工作面应该在当前智能化装备和技术的基础上,依靠人( 包括巡检工集控工和维护 工)与设备环境的深度人机协作,最终达到安全高效运行的目标因此,基于在XR+领域长期的 实践,人本智造的角度出发,对综采工作面人机协同智能化运行模式进行探索首先对比分 析井下 3 类工种与地面工种的工作环境,得出 3 个工种在未来如何提升到智能操作工的升级路径;提出了基于多功能平行系统的综采工作面多工种协同运行模式框架,搭建--深度融合的 综采工作面全局虚拟场景,并以此为基础进行智能推演,3 工种之间以及和多功能虚拟平行系统 的协同交互方式进行设计接着对其中的一些关键技术,如参数化虚拟矿工模型真实矿工与虚拟 矿工的实时联动巡检手势集设计和井下协同维护系统等进行研究;最后对多功能平行系统的多工 种培训巡检工虚拟操作集控工人机优化维护工协同运行和多工种协同进行了相关的测试,实现 了 3 工种之间以及与多功能平行系统的实时交互;最终形成全局细节兼掌控+机器智能推结果+多工种协同决策的协同操作模式,共同完成高质量远程监视干预巡检和维护操作,提升工作面 运行效率和可靠性

  • Abstract
    Because the coal mining is still in the stage of partially unmanned operation,human factor still play an im- portant role in a fully mechanized mining system. Based on the current intelligent equipment and technologies,the in-telligent fully mechanized coal face should rely on the deep human-machine cooperation between human(including pa- trol workers,centralized control workers and maintenance workers),equipment and environment to achieve the goal of safe and efficient operation. Therefore,based on the authors’ long-term practice in the ‘XR +’ field,the intelligent operation mode of human-machine collaboration in a fully mechanized mining face from the perspective of ‘human-centered manufacturing’ is explored. Firstly,the working environment of three types of underground jobs and ground jobs are compared and analyzed,and the path of how to upgrade them to intelligent operators in the future is obtained. The framework of multi-type cooperative operation mode of a fully mechanized mining face based on a multi-function parallel system is put forward,and the global virtual scene with a deep fusion of ‘human,machine and environment’ is established. The intelligent deduction is carried out, and the cooperative interaction between three types of work and the multi-function virtual parallel system is designed. Then some key technologies are studied, such as parametric virtual miner model,real-time linkage between real miners and virtual miners,inspection gesture set design and underground collaborative maintenance system and so on. Through the multi-functional parallel system,the relevant tests had been carried out for multi-type training,virtual operation of inspection workers,optimiza- tion of centralized control workers, coordinated operation of maintenance workers and multi-type collaborative operation. The real-time interaction between three types of work and the multi-functional parallel system is realized. Finally,a collaborative operation mode of ‘global details and control,push results by intelligent machine and multi-type collaborative decision-making’ is formed to jointly conduct high-quality remote monitoring,intervention,in- spection and maintenance operations for improving the efficiency and reliability of a fully mechanized mining face.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    fully mechanized coal-mining face;intelligent mine;human-centric smart manufacturing;XR+;human-ro- bot collaboration;the intelligent of coal

  • 引用格式
    谢嘉成,房舒凯,王学文,等.“人本智造与 XR+”驱动的综采工作面人机协同智能化运行模式探索与实践
    XIE Jiacheng,FANG Shukai,WANG Xuewen,et al.Exploration and practice of the human-machine collaborative intelligent operation mode of fully mechanized coal mining face driven by humanistic intelligent manufacturing and XR+ technology[J].Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(2):1099-1114.
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  • 图表
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