Research progress and prospect of coal-rock breaking methods in mines
刘送永李洪盛江红祥张 强崔玉明刘晓辉
LIU Songyong,LI Hongsheng,JIANG Hongxiang,ZHANG Qiang,CUI Yuming,LIU Xiaohui
中国矿业大学 机电工程学院中国矿业大学 江苏省矿山智能采掘装备协同创新中心(省部共建)山东科技大学 机械电子工程学院江苏师范大学 机电工程学院长安大学 工程机械学院
针对采掘装备在煤巷、岩巷工作中截割机构磨损严重、作业效率低等问题,开展了矿山煤岩 破碎方法的分析、总结和探索研究。 根据煤岩普氏系数将煤岩类型分为煤、半煤岩、硬岩及高硬岩,并针对目前采掘装备在煤巷和半煤岩巷中存在的问题,阐述目前铣削破岩、冲击破岩、滚压破岩及 滚拉破岩等机械破岩技术与纯水射流、脉冲射流、空化射流及磨料射流等水射流破岩技术的工作原 理及前沿研究现状。 首先,针对煤巷掘进中因夹矸、硬包裹体煤层硬度大导致采煤机截割机构磨损 严重、机械化开采效率低的问题,进行了截齿破碎煤岩机理及性能、截齿磨损机理、滚筒结构创新设 计等方面的阐述,指出目前煤层及夹矸煤层应突破煤岩破碎与高效截割机构设计等新技术,以解决 煤层安全高效开采的难题;针对半煤岩巷进行了截齿与煤岩互作用力学模型、截齿自旋转减磨截割 机理、截割机构截齿布置理论及最优化设计方法等方面的概述,结合半煤岩巷掘进效率低、机械刀 具磨损严重等问题,从理论、数值模拟和实验等方面分析了各种水射流冲击破岩方法工作原理及研 究现状,并指出为提高复杂多变地质条件下半煤岩巷掘进装备的掘进效率,应根据截割工况设计截 割机构刀具排列方式,并采用自适应技术规划掘进工作参数、掘进工艺,提高掘进装备系统可靠性、智能化及综掘工艺水平以实现半煤岩巷快速掘进;针对硬岩巷从理论、实验和数值模拟方面进行了滚 刀 / 圆盘刀破岩机理、破岩性能、刀盘设计准则等方面的综述,进行了水射流辅助截齿 / 钻孔 / 滚刀 / 圆 盘刀破岩及涨裂辅助破岩技术的总结,提出了液力或者机械涨裂辅助破岩是目前应对硬岩有效的方 法,充分利用岩石抗压不抗拉特点实现硬岩的高效经济破碎,结合智能化算法实现钻孔与涨裂的协同 作业,实现硬岩巷道的高效掘进。 最后,分析了现有破岩技术的优势、劣势及其局限性,并指出了我国 矿山硬岩截割技术的未来发展趋势,煤矿机械、非煤矿业机械、盾构机械破岩技术相互融合,机械与非 机械多场耦合破岩技术及矿山装备智能化是实现矿山复杂地质条件下煤岩高效破碎的发展方向。
Aiming at the problems of serious abrasion of cutting mechanism and low heading efficiency of heading equipment in coal roadway and rock roadway, the analysis, summary and exploration of coal-rock fragmentation methods in mines were carried out. According to the proctor's coefficient of coal and rock,the types of coal-rock are di- vided into coal,semi-coal-rock,hard rock and high hard rock. In view of the problems existing in the current heading e- quipment in coal roadway and semi-coal-rock roadway,the working principle and cutting-edge research status of mechan- ical rock breaking technologies such as milling,impact,rolling and rolling rock breaking,and water jet rock break- ing technologies such as pure water jet,pulse jet,cavitation jet and abrasive jet are summarized. First,in view of the seri- ous wear of the shearer cutting mechanism and the low mechanized mining efficiency caused by high hardness of the coal-rock in coal seam with gangue and hard inclusions during coal mioing,the mechanism and performance of the pick breaking coal-rock,the wear mechanism of the pick and the innovative design of the drum structure are summa- rized,and it is revealed that the current heading operation in the coal seam and the coal seam with gangue should a- chieve a break through in new technologies such as coal and rock breaking and efficient cutting mechanism design. De- veloping a complete set of technologies and equipment for fully mechanized mining in unmanned working face is the way to solve the problem of safe and efficient mining in deep coal seams. For the semi-coal rock roadway,the mechani- cal model of the interaction between the pick and the coal rock,the cutting mechanism of the self-rotation of the pick to reduce the wear,the cutting mechanism and the pick arrangement theory and the optimization design method are summa- rized. Furthermore,the working principle and research status of various water jet impact rock breaking methods are ana- lyzed from the aspects of theory,numerical simulation and experiment in view of the low efficiency of rock roadway driv- ing and the serious wear of mechanical tools. It is pointed out that to improve the driving efficiency in the semi-coal and rock roadway under the complex geological conditions,the cutting mechanism and the cutting tool arrangement should be designed according to the cutting conditions,and the self-adaptive technology should be adopted to plan the driving working parameters and driving technology,so as to improve the reliability,intelligence and comprehensive driving tech- nology level of the driving equipment system to realize the rapid driving of the semi-coal and rock roadway. For hard rock roadway,the rock breaking mechanism,rock breaking performance and cutter design criteria of hob / disc cutter are summarized from the aspects of theory,experiment and numerical simulation,and the rock breaking technology of water jet assisted pick/drilling/hob/disc cutter and rock breaking assisted by fracturing are summarized. It is proposed that hydraulic or mechanical rock breaking assisted by fracturing is an effective method to deal with hard rock at present. Making a full use of the characteristics of rock compression and non-tension to achieve efficient and econom- ic crushing of hard rock,and combining intelligent algorithms to realize the cooperative operation of drilling and fractu- ring is the way to realize the efficient heading of hard rock roadway. Finally,the advantages,disadvantages and limita- tions of the existing rock breaking technology are analyzed,and the future development trend of the hard rock cut- ting technology in China is pointed out. The rock breaking technology of coal mining machinery,non-coal mining ma- chinery and shield machinery are integrated with each other,and the multi-field coupling rock breaking technology of machinery and non-machinery and the intellectualization of mining equipment are the development direction to realize the high-efficiency rock breaking under the complex geological conditions in mines.
coal-rock breaking;half coal-rock roadway driving,hardrock roadway driving;mechanical rock breaking; water jet assisted rock breaking;fracturing assisted rock breaking
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会