Mechanical behavior and fracture characteristics of granite under microwave treatment based on continuous-discrete method
高亚楠王云龙张 垚蔚立元邵晓爽张广凯
GAO Yanan,WANG Yunlong,ZHANG Yao,YU Liyuan,SHAO Xiaoshuang,ZHANG Guangkai
中国矿业大学 深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室中国矿业大学 力学与土木工程学院
微波辅助破岩具有绿色、低能耗等优点,是有望实现深部煤炭资源开发中硬岩地层高效掘 进的技术手段,其机理引发了工程与学术界的关注。 基于花岗岩组分矿物微波吸收升温差异,借助 连续介质微波电磁分析及离散元力学模型,实现了微观矿物温度离散赋值,提出了微波照射下花岗 岩力学性质的计算分析方法,从温度场分布、力学性质和破坏形态验证了方法的可靠性,揭示了微 波照射下花岗岩破裂规律、单 / 三轴加载条件下的力学行为及破裂机制。 计算结果表明:1 微波照 射下,试样出现 2 个相对低温区域和 1 个热点区域。 在低照射功率( ≤2 kW) 情况下,试样内部裂 纹数量极少;高照射功率(≥3 kW)下,试样内部裂纹以晶粒边界拉伸破坏为主导逐渐发育,并以热 点区域为中心向四周延拓形成裂纹网络。 2 对于单轴压缩,试样峰值应力、弹性模量和损伤阈值 均随照射功率增加而降低,在高照射功率(≥3 kW)下,力学参数跌落更加明显;当照射功率较 高(≥3 kW)时,微波照射后初始裂纹主导了受载试样的裂纹演化,试样呈现沿初始裂纹扩展趋势 并出现显著的局部破坏。 3 对于三轴压缩,随照射功率增加,初始围压对试样强度提升效果越发 强烈;低照射功率(≤2 kW)下,弹性模量随围压变化不明显,高照射功率(≥3 kW)下,初始围压对 弹性模量的提升格外显著;随照射功率增加,围压促进了破碎颗粒的继续承载及应力传递,试样破 坏由晶间破坏主导向晶内破坏主导转变,进而引发裂纹网络充分发育,抑制了高功率(≥3 kW)照 射产生的局部结构集中破坏。 研究成果可为硬岩微波辅助破岩的科学设计和工程应用提供理论基 础和技术支撑。
Microwave-assisted rock-breaking has the advantages of green,and low energy consumption,which is a promising method to achieve an efficient excavation of hard rock strata in deep coal resources development. Therefore,the mechanism of microwave-assisted rock-breaking has attracted the attention from engineering and aca- demic fields. In this study, based on the difference of microwave absorption capacity of granite minerals, by using the continuum analysis of microwave electromagnetic and discrete element mechanics model,the micro miner- al temperature discrete assignment was implemented. And a method for calculating and analyzing the mechanical prop- erties of granite under microwave treatment was proposed and verified as a reliable approach in terms of temperature field,mechanical properties,and failure pattern. Then,the fracture evolution,mechanical behavior and fracture mecha- nism of the microwave treated granite specimen under the uniaxial / triaxial loading conditions were revealed by numeri- cal simulation. The results show that: 1 Under microwave treatment, two relatively low-temperature regions and one hot spot appear in the specimen. When the specimen is treated under relatively low microwave power ( ≤ 2 kW),the internal crack is nearly negligible. The crack development is dominated by the tensile failure of grain bound- aries if the specimen is treated under a relatively high microwave power(≥3 kW). In the latter case,the crack is cen- tered on the hot spot and extends to the surrounding area,and finally forms a crack network. 2 For uniaxial compres- sion,the peak stress,elastic modulus,and damage threshold of the specimen decrease with the increase of microwave power,and this drop is more obvious at relatively high microwave power(≥3 kW). When the microwave power is rela- tively high(≥3 kW),the initial crack generated by microwave treatment dominates the crack evolution of the speci- men,and the specimen exhibits a trend of initial crack growth as well as significant local failure.3 For triaxial com- pression,with the increase of microwave power,the effect of initial confining pressure on the strength of the specimen is continuously strengthened. When the specimen is under relatively low microwave power(≤2 kW),the change of e- lastic modulus with confining pressure is not obvious,but when microwave power increases(≥3 kW),the initial confi- ning pressure significantly improves the elastic modulus of the specimen. With the increase of microwave power,confi- ning pressure promotes the continued bearing capacity and stress transfer of fractured particles,and the failure of the specimen is transformed from intergranular failure to intragranular failure, which leads to the full development of crack network and inhibits the concentrated failure of local structures caused by high power heating(≥3 kW). The results of this study can provide a theoretical basis and technical support for the scientific design and engineering ap- plication of microwave-assisted rock-breaking in hard rock.
microwave-assisted rock breakage; continuous-discrete method; numerical experiment; thermal fracture;mechanical behavior;fracture characteristics
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会