• 全部
  • Title

    Research progress of carbon dioxide capture technology based onenzymatic reaction

  • 作者


  • Author

    ZHANG Shihan;;SHAO Peijing;YE Jiexu;SHEN Yao

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Environment, Zhejiang University of Technology
    College ofAgriculture and Bioengineering, Taizhou Vocational College of Science & Technology
  • 摘要
    燃煤电厂是当前我国二氧化碳(CO2)的主要排放源,针对燃煤电厂研发并改造 CO2捕集工艺是亟待解决的问题。 基于酶促反应的 CO2捕集技术可利用碳酸酐酶(CA)强化 CO2捕集过程,实现 CO2吸收效率的提升并能有效解决传统碳捕集工艺中的能源损耗,在碳捕集研究中吸引了越来越多的关注。 尽管 CA 酶具有高催化效率和对环境友好等优点,但游离酶的稳定性和重复利用性较差,无法大量应用于实际工业碳捕集工艺中,需要选择合适的载体与固定方法制备稳定的固定化 CA 酶。 针对这一关键问题,本文在介绍 CA 酶作为生物催化剂强化 CO2吸收作用机理和酶促强化捕集技术的基础上,重点论述了 CA 酶的固定方法(吸附法、共价键合法、交联法和封装法)及其应用于 CO2捕集方面的最新研究进展。 此外,对基于酶促反应的 CO2捕集技术的未来发展方向进行了展望,提出该技术应进一步研发高活性和稳定性的工程性 CA 酶,构筑高性能且廉价的仿酶催化剂,开发更加经济高效的酶固定化载体材料和工艺,以及加强评估固定化 CA 酶在实际碳捕集工艺中的应用情况及成本效益。
  • Abstract
    At present, coal-fired power plants are still the main source of carbon dioxide (CO2) emis⁃sions in China. The development and transformation of CO2 capture technologies for coal-fired powerplants is an urgent problem to be solved. Using carbonic anhydrase (CA) can improve CO2 absorptionefficiency and effectively solve the problem of energy consumption in traditional carbon capture technol⁃ogy, which has attracted increasing attention in CO2 capture research. Although CA enzyme has the ad⁃vantages of high catalytic efficiency and environmental friendliness, the poor stability and reusability ofthe free form enzyme make it not be widely used in the actual industrial carbon capture technology.Therefore, it is necessary to select suitable carriers and immobilization methods to prepare stable immo⁃bilized CA enzyme. This paper introduces the mechanism of CA enzyme as a biocatalyst to enhance CO2absorption and the carbon capture technology based on enzymatic reaction, and summarizes the immo⁃bilization methods of CA enzyme (adsorption, covalent bonding, cross-linking and encapsulation) andthe latest research progress in its application to CO2 capture. Finally, the future development directionof the carbon capture technology based on enzymatic reaction is proposed. It focuses on: ( 1 )developing engineering CA enzyme with high activity and stability; (2) constructing high-performanceand cheap biomimetic catalyst with simulating the structure of CA enzyme; (3) developing more eco⁃nomical and efficient carrier materials and processes for immobilization of CA enzyme; (4) further e⁃valuating the application and cost-effectiveness of immobilized CA enzyme in the actual carbon captureprocess.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Carbon dioxide; Carbon capture; Carbonic anhydrase; Immobilization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    浙江省软科学研究计划项目(2022C15006);浙江省“ 尖兵” “ 领雁” 研发攻关计划项目(2022C03146);国家自然科学基金项目(22022610)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 碳酸酐酶的性质
    2 酶促强化CO2捕集技术
    2.1 溶剂吸收
    2.2 选择性膜分离
    2.3 生物诱导矿化
    3 碳酸酐酶的固定化
    3.1 物理吸附
    3.2 共价键合
    3.3 交 联
    3.4 封 装
    4 结语与展望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    张士汉, 邵培静, 叶杰旭, 等. 基于酶促反应的二氧化碳捕集技术研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(2): 205-214.
  • Citation
    ZHANG Shihan, SHAO Peijing, YE Jiexu, et al. Research progress of carbon dioxide capture technology basedon enzymatic reaction[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(2): 205-214.
  • 相关专题

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