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  • Title

    Carbon dioxide capture,utilization and storage technology andengineering application for coal-fired power plants

  • 作者


  • Author

    GU Yongzheng;WANG Tiankun;HUANG Yan;ZHAO Rui;XU Dong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    GD Power Development Co.,Ltd.,
    CHN Energy Jinjie Energy Co.,Ltd.,
    CHN Energy New Energy Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,
  • 摘要

    我国是全球第一大碳排放国,燃煤发电作为最主要的碳排放源,迫切需要绿色低碳转型发展。系统梳理了全球碳减排发展趋势,以及国内外二氧化碳捕集利用与封存(CCUS)技术的发展现状,重点开展了低能耗煤电CCUS工程创新实践,依托600 MW等级燃煤机组,于2021年6月25日建成并投运国内最大规模的15万t/a燃烧后CO2捕集-驱油/封存全流程示范工程。结果表明:CCUS示范装置由洗涤、捕集、压缩、干燥、液化、储存装车6个单元组成,创新开发了新型复合胺吸收新技术,率先应用了增强型改性塑料填料、汽提式降膜再沸器等新设备,首创形成了“级间冷却+分流解吸+机械式蒸汽再压缩闪蒸”高效节能新工艺;168 h试运期间,CCUS示范装置各单元在不同负荷(50%~100%)下运行稳定,连续产出纯度99.5%的工业级液态CO2,产品参数在-16~-21 ℃、2.0 MPa 左右,满负荷时CO2产量>18.75 t/h,实现了低浓度(体积分数11%~15%)、大流量(约10万m3/h)燃煤烟气CO2捕集率>90%、再生能耗<2.4 GJ/t(以CO2计)的重大突破,整体性能指标达到国际领先水平,为保障我国煤电应对2060碳达峰碳中和目标提供技术可行、经济合理的科技支撑。

  • Abstract

    China is the largest carbon dioxide (CO2) emission country in the world. As the most important source of carbon emissions, coal-fired power generation is in urgent need of transition to green and low-carbon development. The development trend of carbon emission reduction and the research status of CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) at home and abroad were systematically sorted out. The engineering innovations and practices in coal-fired power plant CCUS were focused on. Furthermore, the 150 kt/a post-combustion CO2 capture, utilization for enhanced oil recovery, and storage demonstration project based on 600 MW capacity grade coal-fired power unit was built and put into operation on June 25, 2021, which is the largest project of its kind in China to date. The results show that the CCUS demonstration project is consist of 6 units, including washing, capture, compression, drying, liquefying, storage and loading. The new organic composite amine-based absorption technology is innovated and developed, and many new devices such as modified polypropylene plastic packing, tube-type falling film stripper reboiler, and so forth are developed and applied. In addition, the high-efficiency and energy-saving technique coupling with absorber inter-cooling, rich-split staged desorption, and mechanical vapor recompression (MVR) flash evaporation is innovatively formed. During the 168 h trial operation period, each unit of the CCUS demonstration project can operate stably under different loads which are between 50% and 100%. The industrial grade products of liquid CO2 with purity up to 99.5%, temperature ranging from -16 ℃ to -21 ℃, and pressure of about 2.0 MPa, are produced continuously. And the CO2 yield more than 18.75 t per hour under the full load condition, achieving a major breakthrough of low concentration (volume fraction 11%-15%), high flow rate (about 100 000 m3/h) coal-fired flue gas CO2 capture rate >90%, regeneration energy consumption <2.4 GJ/t (in terms of CO2), and overall performance index reaching international leading level, providing a guarantee for China′s coal power to cope with the 2060 carbon peak carbon neutral target. Therefore, it provides scientific and technological support for ensuring China′s coal-fired power to better achieve the 2060 goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality for the power system.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal-fired power plants;CO2 capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS);capture rate;regeneration energy consumption;carbon peaking and carbon neutrality

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录

    0 引言

    1 全球碳减排发展趋势

       1.1 国际形势

       1.2 国内挑战

    2 国内外CCUS发展现状

       2.1 国外CCUS发展现状

       2.2 国内CCUS发展现状

    3 低能耗煤电CCUS工程创新实践

       3.1 15万t级煤电CCUS示范工程

       3.2 工艺流程

       3.3 调试运行试验结果

    4 结论与展望

  • 引用格式
  • Citation
    GU Yongzheng,WANG Tiankun,HUANG Yan,et al.Carbon dioxide capture,utilization and storage technology and engineering application for coal-fired power plants
    [J].Clean Coal Technology,2023,29(4):98-108.
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