• 全部
  • Title

    Evaluation of standardized management system of coal mine ventilation safety production based on CW-RSR

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Zhi’e;WANG Xueqiang;ZHANG Fengfei;XU Jingde;MA Jun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Management Engineering, Capital University of Economics and Business,
    Shaanxi Coal Industry Co., Ltd.
    Shaanxi Binchang Mining Group Co., Ltd.
    North China Institute of Science and Technology
  • 摘要

    通风是保障煤矿工作人员空气供给和控制井下易燃易爆气体浓度在安全范围内的重要手段,国家矿山监察局要求煤矿企业积极创建安全生产标准化以不断增强通风管理。本文构建包含3 个一级指标和8 个二级指标的煤矿通风安全生产标准化建设水平评价体系,结合博弈论组合赋权法(CW) 兼顾专家经验知识和数据客观信息,耦合层次分析法( AHP) 确定的主观权重和CRITIC 法确定的客观权重得到评价体系中各指标的组合权重;实例应用该模型分析陕西彬长矿区某矿当前通风达标建设中的事故隐患,并使用秩和比综合评价法(RSR) 对其水平等级进行综合评价,结果表明:风筒敷设、装备措施、风量配置和系统管理是达标建设的重点;综合评价模型有效验证了煤矿的标准化建设水平等级,可为煤矿企业一级标准化达标建设工作与事故隐患整改提供依据。

  • Abstract

    Ventilation is an important means to ensure the air supply of coal mine workers and control the con⁃centration of underground flammable and explosive gases. The government requires coal mine enterprises to ac⁃tively establish safety production standardization to continuously strengthen ventilation management. Taking into account expert experience knowledge and objective information of data, the combination weight in the e⁃valuation system is obtained by coupling the subjective weight determined by the AHP and CRITIC. The modelis applied to analyze various hidden dangers in the current ventilation standard construction of a mine and the RSR is used to comprehensively evaluate its level. The results show that: the laying of air duct, equipmentmeasures, air volume allocation and system management are the key points of the standard construction;thecomprehensive evaluation model effectively verifies the standardized mine grades of coal mines, which can pro⁃vide a basis for coal mine enterprises to meet the standards and rectify hidden accidents.

  • 关键词

    层次分析法CRITIC 法博弈论组合赋权法秩和比综合评价法

  • KeyWords

    analytic hierarchy process; CRITIC method; game theory combination weighting method; compre⁃ hensive evaluation method of rank sum ratio


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