• 全部
  • Title

    Macerals of lignite and the effect of alkali treatment on the structure and combustion performance of lignite

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Yanjun;ZHAO Yunfei;HE Runxia;ZHOU Huacong;LI Na;TENG Yingyue;SONG Yinmin;LIU Quansheng

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of High-Value Funtional Utilization of Low Rank Carbon Resources, Inner Mongolia University of Technology
  • 摘要

    抑制褐煤的自燃对于安全运输和高效利用褐煤具有重要意义。以胜利褐煤为研究对象,利用光学显微镜分选出惰质组和腐植组2 种显微组分,并对其进行NaOH 处理,以研究不同显微组分及NaOH 处理对褐煤结构与燃烧反应性能的影响。通过SEM-EDS、XPS、FT-IR、XRD、Raman等手段对所制备煤样的结构进行表征,分析其主要官能团的变化差异,并利用热重分析仪考察NaOH 处理对不同显微组分褐煤燃烧反应性能的影响。研究结果表明,腐植组褐煤的起燃点温度较惰质组提前约10 °C,但惰质组褐煤的综合燃烧特性指数略高于腐植组。经NaOH 处理后,不同显微组分的褐煤均出现燃烧滞后现象,分别在200~500、650~800 ℃ 有2 段明显的失重,且质量损失主要集中在第2 个失重区间,腐植组褐煤表现更显著,其最大燃烧反应速率对应的温度较惰质组滞后约60 °C。对煤样燃烧过程进行动力学分析,表明不同显微组分褐煤经NaOH 处理后燃烧反应活化能明显增加,且腐植组褐煤高于惰质组。XPS/FTIR 分析结果表明,不同显微组分褐煤在NaOH 处理后羧基含氧官能团含量均减少,主要是因为在NaOH 处理过程中Na+与褐煤中的羧基含氧官能团作用形成羧酸钠结构,且腐植组褐煤中形成的羧酸钠结构含量较惰质组多,认为对不同显微组分褐煤燃烧的抑制作用主要归因于羧酸钠结构的较高稳定性,且与Na 结合形成羧酸钠结构的数量是2 者燃烧反应性能差异的主要原因。XRD/Raman 分析结果表明,褐煤中羧酸钠结构的生成使煤样碳微晶结构有序度增加,其中腐植组褐煤的有序度高于惰质组。

  • Abstract
    Suppressing the spontaneous combustion of lignite is of great significance for safe transportation and efficientutilization of lignite. Taking the Shengli lignite as the research object, two different macerals, inertinite and huminite, wereselected by optical microscope, and treated with NaOH respectively to study the relationship between the structure andcombustion reaction performance of different macerals and lignite treated with NaOH. The structure of the prepared coalsamples was characterized by SEM-EDS, XPS, FT-IR, XRD and Raman, and the changes of the main functional groupswere analyzed. The effect of NaOH treatment on the combustion performance of different maceral lignite was investigated by TGA. The results showed that the ignition temperature of huminite lignite was about 10 ℃ earlier than that of inertinite,but the comprehensive combustion characteristic index of inertinite lignite was slightly higher than that of huminite.After the NaOH treatment, the lignite of different macerals showed a hysteresis of combustion, there were two obviousweight losses in the range of 200−500 ℃ and 650−800 ℃, respectively, and the mass loss was mainly concentrated inthe second weight loss, in particular, the effect of huminite lignite was more significant, and the temperature correspondingto the maximum combustion reaction rate was about 60 ℃ behind that of inertinite. The kinetic analysis of the combustionprocess of the coal samples showed that the activation energy of combustion reaction of lignite with different maceralssignificantly increased after the NaOH treatment, and the huminite lignite was higher than that of inertinite lignite.The XPS/FT-IR results revealed that the contents of carboxylic oxygen-containing functional groups in different maceralsof lignite treated by NaOH decreased, the main reason is that in the process of NaOH treatment, Na+ interacted with thecarboxylic oxygen-containing functional groups in lignite to form the sodium carboxylate structure, and the relativeamount of the sodium carboxylate structure in huminite coal was relatively large. It is believed that the inhibitory effect onthe combustion of lignite with different macerals is attributed to the stability of the sodium carboxylate structure, and thenumber of the sodium carboxylate structure formed by combining with Na is the main reason for the difference in its combustionperformance. The XRD/Raman analysis indicates that the formation of the sodium carboxylate structure in ligniteleads to the increase of the order degree of carbon microcrystalline structure, and the order degree of huminite lignite ishigher than that in inertinite.
  • 关键词

    显微组分胜利褐煤NaOH 处理羧酸钠结构燃烧性能

  • KeyWords

    macerals;Shengli lignite;NaOH treatment;the sodium carboxylate structure;combustion performance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    内蒙古科技计划资助项目(2020GG0289, 2019GG268);内蒙古自然科学基金资助项目(2019MS02025)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王延君,赵云飞,何润霞,等. 褐煤显微组分及碱处理对其结构和燃烧性能的影响[J]. 煤炭学报,2023,48(4):1736−1746
  • Citation
    WANG Yanjun,ZHAO Yunfei,HE Runxia,et al. Macerals of lignite and the effect of alkali treatment on the structure and combustion performance of lignite[J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48(4):1736−1746
  • 相关文章
  • 图表
    • 褐煤原煤及不同显微组分褐煤NaOH处理前后的燃烧反应性能

    图(9) / 表(0)


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