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  • Title

    Research progress on the generation of environmental persistent free radicals onthe surface of fine particulates during the combustion of organic solid waste

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Guohao;ZHANG Bennong;HU Yanjun

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Thermal and Power Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology
  • 摘要
    环境持久性自由基(Environment Persistent Free Radicals, EPFRs)是一种半衰期较长、具有稳定性和持续性的新型环境污染物,且具有严重的环境毒性效应。 EPFRs 可通过有机固废燃烧产生的有机物附着在过渡金属氧化物表面分解形成,目前国内外学者对燃烧过程中 EPFRs 的有关研究还处于起步阶段。 为明晰燃烧体系中 EPFRs 的生成机制,该综述系统总结了燃烧源细颗粒物表面 EPFRs 的相关研究,简要叙述了 EPFRs 的种类及其检测分析方法,重点归纳了燃烧源颗粒物表面 EPFRs 的分布特征、过渡金属氧化还原形成 EPFRs 的生成机理、氧含量和光照等外部因素对 EPFRs 形成的影响,探讨了燃烧体系不同温度梯度区间下 EPFRs 的形成与演变过程,并展望了未来相关研究方向,提出多因素耦合作用下有机前驱体与过渡金属氧化物在燃烧源颗粒表面的竞争反应、协同作用行为是揭示 EPFRs 生成机理的重要工作,也是从微观分子尺度认识 EPFRs 演变控制的核心内容,以期为有机固废燃烧过程 EPFRs 的生成控制提供方向和依据。
  • Abstract
    Environmental persistent free radicals (EPFRs) are new environmental pollutants with longhalf-life, stability and persistence, and have serious environmental toxicity effects. EPFRs can beformed in the process of organic solid waste combustion through the thermochemical decomposition oforganic precursors on the surface of environmental media. At present, the research on EPFRs in com⁃bustion process is still at the initial stage. In order to clarify the generation mechanism of EPFRs incombustion system, this review systematically summarizes relevant studies on surface EPFRs of com⁃bustion source particulates, briefly describes the types of EPFRs and their detection and analysis meth⁃ods. The distribution characteristics of surface EPFRs from combustion source particulate matter, theformation mechanism of EPFRs formed by transition metal redox, and the influence of external factorssuch as oxygen content and light on the formation of EPFRs are summarized. The formation and evolu⁃tion of EPFRs under different temperature gradients are discussed, and the future research directionsare prospected. It is proposed that the competitive reaction and synergistic behaviors between organicprecursors and transition metal oxides on the particle surface of combustion source under multifactorialcoupling are important to reveal the mechanism of EPFRs generation, as well as the core content of un⁃derstanding the evolutionary control of EPFRs from the microscopic molecular scale, which is expected toprovide direction and basis for controlling EPFRs formation in organic solid waste combustion process.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Incineration; Environmental persistent free radicals ( EPFRs); Particulates; Transitionmetals; Precursors

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 文章目录
    0 引 言
    1 EPFRs概述
    1.1 EPFRs种类
    1.2 EPFRs检测分析方法
    2 颗粒物表面EPFRs的分布
    3 燃烧源EPFRs的生成机理
    3.1 过渡金属对EPFRs生成的影响
    3.2 EPRFs生成的前驱物
    3.3 燃烧工况对EPFRs生成影响
    4 展 望
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨郭昊, 张本农, 胡艳军. 有机固废燃烧过程中细颗粒物表面环境持久性自由基生成的研究进展[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(3): 118-127.
  • Citation
    YANG Guohao, ZHANG Bennong, HU Yanjun. Research progress on the generation of environmental persistentfree radicals on the surface of fine particulates during the combustion of organic solid waste[J]. Energy Environ⁃mental Protection, 2023, 37(3): 118-127.
  • 相关专题

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