• 论文
  • Title

    Effect of Rare Earth Metals Added to Wire on Droplet Transfer Mode in GMAW with Pure CO2 Shielding Gas

  • 作者


  • Author

    SUN Xian

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Materials Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
  • 摘要

    综述了焊丝中稀土金属对纯CO2 保护气体GMAW 熔滴过渡形态的影响。结果表明,含稀土金属的焊丝以正极性纯CO2 保护气体焊时,由于电弧中阴极斑点面积扩大(位于熔滴上方的电弧呈圆锥形),被细化的熔滴形成轴向喷射过渡形态,飞溅很小,工艺性优良。稀土金属降低了阴极电子逸出功,同时高的电磁夹持力使熔滴以更小的尺寸轴向过渡,还有作用在熔滴上的主导力方向有利熔滴过渡,最终纯CO2 保护气下完全满足了熔滴喷射过渡形成条件。含有稀土金属的焊丝在电流波形控制新型电源中的应用,使J-STAR 焊接方法在一个较宽电流范围内实现了超低飞溅,拓宽了该工艺的应用范围。

  • Abstract

    The effect of rare earth metals added to wire on droplet transfer mode in GMAWwith pure CO2 shielding gas was reviewed.The results show that when the welding wire containingrare earth metals is welded with DCEN pure CO2 shielding gas, owing to the expansion ofthe cathode spot area in the arc (the arc above the droplet presents a conical shape), the refineddroplets form an axial spray transfer mode, the spatter generation is very small, and the usabilityis excellent.The rare earth metals reduce the work function of the cathode electrons, at the sametime, the high electromagnetic pinch force allows the droplets to transition axially in a smallersize, and the direction of the dominant force acting on the droplets facilitates the droplet transfer,and finally the formation conditions of droplet spray transfer are fully satisfied under pure CO2shielding gas.The application of welding wire containing rare earth metal in new power supplywith current waveform control makes the J-STAR welding method realize ultra-low spatter in awide current range, which widens the application range of the process.

  • 关键词

    稀土金属熔滴过渡形态纯CO2 保护气体GMAW阴极斑点轴向过渡

  • KeyWords

    rare earth metal; droplet transer mode; GMAW with pure CO2 shielding gas; cathode spot; axial transfer


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