• 全部
  • Title

    Composition of soluble organic matter and its causes of No. 11 coal from Sangshuping Mine, Shaanxi Province

  • 作者


  • Author

    LI Xin;ZHAO Qiaojing;WANG Jun;WANG Zewei;YANG Yanli;ZHAO Cunliang

  • 单位

    河北工程大学 地球科学与工程学院河北省资源勘测研究重点实验室

  • Organization
    School of Earth Science and Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering
    Hebei Key Laboratory of Resource Survey and Research
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Eight samples of No.11 coal in Sangshuping Mine were used for organic geochemical study, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) were combined with the test results of proximate analysis, sulfur forms and random vitrinite reflectance, the organic matter sources and coal-forming environment of No.11 coal from the Sangshuping mine, Shaanxi Province were comprehensively analyzed. The results indicate that the total sulfur content of the coal sample is 3.29%, and the mean vitrinite oil-leaching reflectance is 2.01%, which is high-sulfur lean coal. The phase parameters of major elements indicate that the coal samples are mainly formed in reductive sedimentary environment. There are two types of carbon number distribution of n-alkanes in saturated hydrocarbon: the front peak type main carbon peak is C16, and the back peak type is main carbon C26; Combined with the distribution characteristics of ∑C22/∑C23+、(C21+C22)/(C28+C29)、Pr/nC17、Ph/nC18 indicated that the parent material of organic matter come from aquatic organisms and higher plants. The OEP value was between 0.49 to 1.05,with an average value of 0.84, indicating that No.11 coal of Sangshuping has undergone different degrees of biodegradation. In the analysis of saturated hydrocarbon steroidal terpanes, the ratio of Ts/Tm and Ts/(Ts+Tm) is between 0.83-1.21 and 0.45-0.55, indicating that the thermal evolution degree of coal sample is high. In the analysis of aromatic compounds, the methyl rearrangement of trimethylnaphthalene and the distribution characteristics of methyl phenanthrene index are correlated with the high thermal evolution degree of coal samples. The aromatic hydrocarbons were dominated by naphthalene, phenanthrene and biphenyl series, and the sulfur-containing compounds in the trifluorene series (oxygen-fluorene, sulfur-fluorene, fluorene) are obviously higher than the oxygen-containing compounds, which also indicates the coal-forming environment under higher salinity partial reduction conditions.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Sangshuping Mine;high sulfur coal;organic geochemistry;soluble organic matter;coal-forming environment;gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    李 新,赵巧静,王 俊,等. 陕西韩城桑树坪矿11号煤的可溶有机质组成及成因分析[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2023,51(6):137−146
  • Citation
    LI Xin,ZHAO Qiaojing,WANG Jun,et al. Composition of soluble organic matter and its causes of No. 11 coal from Sangshuping Mine, Shaanxi Province[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2023,51(6):137−146
  • 图表
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