• 全部
  • Title

    Study on dynamic characteristics of the coupling system of flip⁃flow screenpanel and material group based on FEM-DEM

  • 作者


  • Author

    GONG Sanpeng;WU Tao;GAO Youjin;MING Pingmei;ZHANG Jiakang;ZHANG Yeming;WANG Xinwen

  • 单位


  • Organization
    School of Mechanical and Power Engineering,Henan Polytechnic University
    Zhengzhou Coal Mining Machinery Group Compa⁃ny Limited
    School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology⁃Beijing
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Aiming at the problems of material group accumulation and large stress on the screen surface in the processof large deflection elastic screening of wet fine⁃grained minerals. Multi⁃ball excitation combined with elastic screen⁃ing technology is proposed, exploring the dynamic characteristics of the coupling system of flip⁃flow screen paneland material group under the function of excitation ball in the screening process. The kinematic simulation model ofscreen panel under no⁃load condition is established based on the finite element method,and the kinematic characteris⁃tics of the screen panel is analyzed. The coupling technology of finite element and discrete element is used to ex⁃plore the influence of material group on the kinematic characteristics of the screen panel. The simulation modelof the coupling system between the screen panel and the material group under the function of the excitation ball is pro⁃posed,and the dynamic characteristics of the screen panel and the material group under the function of different excita⁃tion balls are analyzed. The orthogonal test scheme of four factors and four levels is designed,and the range analysisand variance analysis are used to study the significance of the influence of the number of material particles,amplitude,frequency and the number of exciting balls on the motion state and mechanical characteristics of the elastic screen pan⁃el. The optimal combination of the screen panel factors under heavy load conditions is determined,and its accuracy isverified. Results show that the characteristics of the material group on the screen panel have a great impact on thescreen panel’s amplitude,and the material on the screen will accumulate when the amplitude of the screen surface de⁃creases to a certain extent. Using multi⁃ball excites screen panel,the overall displacement of the screen surface increa⁃ses,the stress at both ends of the screen panel decreases,the screen panel with loaded material group changes fromquasi⁃periodic motion to aperiodic chaotic motion, and the composition of fundamental frequency amplitude ismore complex,which is conducive to the activity of material movement on the screen panel. The results of orthogo⁃nal test and response optimization show that the excitation ball and material mass are the significant factorsaffecting the kinematic and mechanical characteristics of the elastic screen panel,and when the amplitude of the screensurface is 4 mm,the frequency is 8 Hz,and the number of excitation balls is 3,the flip⁃flow screen panel in the screen⁃ing process not only has a large displacement,but also receives a small force.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    flip⁃flow screen surface;material group;coupling system;multi⁃ball excitation;parameter optimization

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    宫三朋,吴涛,高有进,等. 基于 FEM-DEM 弛张筛面和料群耦合系统动态特性研究[J].煤炭学报,2023,48(S1):381-391.
  • Citation
    GONG Sanpeng,WU Tao,GAO Youjin,et al.Study on dynamic characteristics of the coupling system of flip⁃flowscreen panel and material group based on FEM - DEM [ J]. Journal of China Coal Society,2023,48( S1):381-391
  • 相关文章

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