• 全部
  • Title

    Study on NO formation characteristics and ammonia-nitrogen conversionbehavior during ammonia-coal co-firing

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Huakun;XU Yishu;ZHANG Baohua;MA Jingjing;LIU Xiaowei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Huazhong University ofScience and Technology
    Powerchina Hubei Electric Engineering Co., Ltd.
    State Key Laboratory of High-Efficiency Utilization of Coal and Green ChemicalEngineering, Ningxia University
  • 摘要

    在实验室小型沉降炉上开展了氨、煤单独燃烧以及掺混燃烧实验,并结合数值模拟探究了氨煤掺烧的 NO 生成特性、中间反应过程及氨氮转化行为。 结果表明,氨煤掺烧工况下的 NO 生成浓度远高于氨、煤单烧工况,且高于氨、煤单烧工况总和。 掺氨比例为 45%(热量比值,下同)时,氨煤掺烧 NO 排放比氨、煤单烧之和提高 70.17%;而掺氨比例不变、燃料质量变为 2 倍后则提高 79.36%,说明煤粉与氨掺烧后会导致 NO 排放升高。 模拟结果表明,掺氨后反应器内 NO 浓度有一个快速增大阶段,此时氨开始氧化生成 NO。 氨氧化反应与氨还原反应同时发生,由于氨氧化速率始终高于氨还原速率,导致 NO 浓度升高。 氨煤掺烧后,氨燃烧相关反应平均反应速率峰值增大,峰值出现位置提前,促进了氨氮向 NO 转化。

  • Abstract

    Experiments were conducted on a laboratory drop tube furnace for the single - firing ofammonia and coal, as well as co-firing, combined with numerical simulations to investigate the NO for⁃mation characteristics, intermediate reaction processes and ammonia-nitrogen conversion behavior in am⁃monia-coal co-firing. The results showed that the NO concentration generated under ammonia-coal cofiring conditions was much higher than that of ammonia and coal combustion alone, and higher than thesum of ammonia and coal combustion alone. With an ammonia co-firing ratio of 45% (by heat value, thesame below), the NO emission of ammonia-coal co-firing was 70.17% higher than the sum of ammoniaand coal combustion alone. When the co-firing ratio remained the same and the fuel mass doubled, NOemission increased by 79.36%, indicating that co-firing of coal and ammonia led to an increase in NOemissions. The simulation results showed that the concentration of NO in the reactor increased rapidlyafter ammonia co-firing, and ammonia began to oxidize and generate NO. Ammonia oxidation reactionand ammonia reduction reaction occurred simultaneously, and since the ammonia oxidation rate was al⁃ways higher than the ammonia reduction rate, the NO concentration increased. After ammonia-coal cofiring, the peak value of the average reaction rate of ammonia-related reactions increased, and the peakvalue appeared earlier, which promoted the conversion of ammonia-nitrogen to NO.

  • 关键词

    煤氨掺烧NO 生成氮转化

  • KeyWords

    Ammonia; Coal-ammonia co-firing; NO generation; Nitrogen conversion

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
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