• 全部
  • Title

    Influence of mechanical stirring on flocculation separation of ultra-clean coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    WANG Jie;LI Qiong;ZHAO Jing;ZHANG Guangshan

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Civil Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology
    Shanxi Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Co. , Ltd.
    School of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Huainan Normal University
    Metaspace (Beijing) Air Dome Corp.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Mechanical stirring is a very important step in the process of ultra - fine coal separation.Through theoretical calculation and analysis, the necessity of stirring energy input in floc flotation process are demonstrated, and the effects of stirring speed and stirring time on floccules size and ultra clean coal separation are experimentally analyzed.The floc size formed by coal particles grinded by two different ultra-fine grinding methods and the separation results of ultra clean coal were compared. The results show that there is an energy barrier peak in the interaction potential energy between particles, and the energy input of mechanical stirring endows the coal particles with the kinetic energy to overcome the energy barrier, which enables them to agglomerate under the action of hydrophobic potential energy.The smaller the particle size, the higher the input of stirring energy.With the increase of stirring speed or stirring time, the floccules size and ultra - clean coal yield increases slightly and then decreases gradually for coal particles with smaller particle size.Stronger stirring energy input is beneficial to the separation of ultra-clean coal with lower ash content. Compared with the coal samples grinded by stirring mill, the ultrafine coal pulverized by jet mill has larger-sized flocs and higher yield and ash content of ultrafine coal.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    ultra-clean coal; floc flotation; mechanical stirring; EDLVO

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    王 婕, 李 琼, 赵 静, 等. 机械搅拌对絮团分选超净煤的影响研究 [J]. 煤炭工程, 2023, 55(8): 159-164.
  • 相关文章

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