• 全部
  • Title

    Experimental study on pressurized pyrolysis characteristics of Youfangliang coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    HUANG Yong;GAO Yanan;LIU Dan;LIU Qiaoxia;KONG Shaoliang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Hydrocarbon High-efficiency Utilization Technology Research Center, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Company Limited
    Engineering Research Center for High-efficiency Utilization of Fossil Hydrocarbon Research of Petroleum and Chemical Industry
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In order to investigate the effects of different pyrolysis conditions on the distri-bution and quality of coal pressurized pyrolysis products, the influences of heating rate (10 ℃/min,diffusion by the pressurization. The weight loss decreases from 24.52% at 1.0 MPa to 19.46% at 4.0 MPa. Compared with the 100%N2 atmosphere, the weight loss under 100%CO2 and 50%CO2+50%H2 atmosphere increase by 2.29% and 1.32%, respectively. Due to the effects of strengthened hydrogenation saturation process under the high hydrogen partial pressure, the pro-moted secondary reaction of volatile by the high pressure, and the reforming reaction of CO2 with the heavy tar, the mass fraction of carbon in tar increases from 82.12% to 85.02% as the pres-sure raises from 1.0 MPa to 4.0 MPa, the mass fraction of hydrogen increases from 6.44% to 7.18%, and the n(H)∶n(C) increases from 0.078 to 0.084 correspondingly. The mass fraction of light oils, phenol oils and naphthalene oils in the tar increases while the mass fraction of as-phaltene decreases. At the same time, the relative content of aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds in tar decreases by 2.08% and the relative content of aromatic hydrocarbons and phenolic com-pounds increases by about 3.28% and 1.87%, respectively. Hence the lightening effect of tar is noticeable.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    pressurized pyrolysis, pyrolysis condition, product distribution, tar, pyroly-sis gas

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    黄 勇,高 亚 男,刘 丹,等.油 坊 梁 煤 加 压 热 解 特 性 的 实 验 研 究 [J].煤 炭 转 化,2023,46(5):31-41
  • Citation
    HUANG Yong,GAO Yanan,LIU Dan,et al.Experimental study on pressurized pyrolysis characteristics of Youfangliang coal[J].Coal Conversion,2023,46(5):31-41

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