• 全部
  • Title

    Short-chain fatty acids from lysis liquid of residual sludge anaerobicfermentation enhanced by microbial electrolysis

  • 作者


  • Author

    MENG Qingjie;WANG Hui;KANG Xu;LIU Wenzong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shenzhen Shenshui Water Resources Consulting Co., Ltd.
    Key Laboratory ofCoastal Environment and Resources of Zhejiang Province, School of Engineering, Westlake University
    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology
  • 摘要
    污泥裂解液是污泥热水解过程中产生的含有大分子有机物的高浓度溶液, 通常采用厌氧消化来实现降解转化及资源回收, 但在热转化过程中, 美拉德反应产物等难降解有机物会导致成厌氧转化效率较低, 产甲烷效率也不高。 为了解决这个问题, 本研究提出了利用微生物电解辅助厌氧消化(ME-AD)系统对污泥裂解液进行强化处理和资源化的方法, 旨在考察大分子有机物的降解效能和短链脂肪酸(SCFAs)转化效率。 研究结果表明, 与实际污水厂通常处理稀释 5 倍后的裂解液相比, 采用 ME-AD 直接处理裂解液原液可以提升厌氧降解效率。 在序批周期内, COD 的去除率为 40.2%, 比传统厌氧转化提高了 15.6%;强化降解污泥裂解液中复杂有机物转化为 SCFAs, 在第五天强化厌氧发酵过程中, SCFAs 的产生达到了最高浓度 40.0×105 mg/ L, 其中乙酸的占比最高, 达到了 68.1%。 该研究可为解决污泥裂解液处理难题和污泥资源化利用提供思路。
  • Abstract
    Sludge lysis liquid is a highly concentrated solution containing macromolecular organicmatter produced during thermal hydrolysis of sludge. Anaerobic digestion is commonly used to achievedegradation conversion and resource recovery. However, during the thermal conversion process, thepresence of refractory organic matter such as Melad reaction products can result in low anaerobic con⁃version efficiency and methane yield. To address the issue, this study proposes a method for the inten⁃sive treatment and resource recovery of sludge lysis liquid using a microbial electrolysis-assisted anae⁃robic digestion (ME-AD) system. The study aimed to investigate the degradation efficacy of macromo⁃lecular organic matter and the conversion efficiency of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The results ofthe study showed that the direct treatment of raw lysis liquid with ME-AD improved the anaerobic deg⁃radation efficiency compared to the usual treatment, which involved a 5-fold dilution of lysis liquid.The COD removal rate was 40.2% in the renewal batch cycle, which was 15.6% higher than the con⁃ventional anaerobic conversion. Additionally, the complex organic matter in the intensively degradedsludge lysis liquid was converted to SCFAs, which were produced at a maximum concentration of 40.0×105 mg / L during the fifth day of intensive anaerobic fermentation. Among the SCFAs, acetic acid hadthe highest percentage at 68.1%. This study provides a new approach to address the treatment of sludgelysis liquid and utilization of sludge resources.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Residual sludge; Microbial electrolysis; Anaerobic fermentation; Short-chain fatty acids;Refractory organic matter

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    广东省住房和城乡建设厅 2020 年研究开发项目(2020-K32-310025)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    孟庆杰, 王慧, 康旭, 等. 微生物电解强化剩余污泥裂解液发酵产短链脂肪酸[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023,37(5): 71-77.
  • Citation
    MENG Qingjie, WANG Hui, KANG Xu, et al. Short-chain fatty acids from lysis liquid of residual sludge anaero⁃bic fermentation enhanced by microbial electrolysis[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 71-77.
  • 相关专题

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