• 全部
  • Title

    Investigation on thermoelectric cooling system for battery packof electrical vehicle

  • 作者


  • Author

    WENG Zhiqi;DENG Bin;ZHANG Xinwei;LI Guoneng;GUO Wenwen;TANG Yuanjun;ZHENG Youqu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Energy and Environment System Engineering, Zhejiang University ofScience and Technology
  • 摘要

    为提高电动汽车动力电池包在高温环境下的安全性,设计并测试了一个热电制冷系统,采用了自行开发的肋柱型散冷器,安装了 6 个热电制冷模块,并采用循环冷却水进行热端散热。 在测试中,当输入功率为 273.6 W 时,热电制冷系统的能效比随散冷风速和冷却液流量的增加迅速增加,然后趋于稳定,最佳的散冷风速和冷却液流量分别为 2.5 m/ s 和 33.3 mL/ s,系统最大能效比为 0.26。 针对于一个储电量为 36 kW·h 的锂电动力电池包,电池包箱体内的温度在不同的产热率(50~200 W)下的降温幅度均超过 20 ℃。 动力电池包在 200 W 的产热率下,其内部温度从68 ℃降低到 45 ℃以内,表明设计的热电制冷系统可有效降低动力电池包内的温度,从而提高电动汽车的安全性。

  • Abstract

    In order to promote the safety of the power battery pack in high-temperature environmentsfor electrical vehicles, a thermoelectric cooling system was designed and tested. This system utilized aself-developed pin fin assisted cooling distributor, equipped with 6 thermoelectric cooling modules,and employed circulating cooling water for heat dissipation at the hot-ends. The coefficient of perform⁃ance (COP) of the thermoelectric cooling system increased rapidly with the increase of the cooling airvelocity and flow rate of cooling liquid, and then stabilized. The optimal cooling air velocity and flowrate of cooling liquid were 2.5 m/ s and 33.3 mL/ s, respectively. The maximum COP reached 0.26. Fora lithium-ion power battery pack with a storage capacity of 36 kW·h, the temperature inside the bat⁃tery pack case decreased by more than 20 ℃ under different heat generation rates (50~200 W). Theinitial temperature of the power battery pack dropped from 68 ℃ to below 45 ℃ at a heat generationrate of 200 W, indicating that the thermoelectric cooling system designed in this study could effectivelyreduce the temperature inside the power battery pack and improve the safety of electrical vehicle.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Power battery pack; Thermoelectric cooling; Battery thermal management; Coefficientof performance

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    翁志奇, 邓斌, 张鑫伟, 等. 电动汽车电池包热电制冷系统的实验研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(5):183-189.
  • Citation
    WENG Zhiqi, DENG Bin, ZHANG Xinwei, et al. Investigation on thermoelectric cooling system for battery packof electrical vehicle[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(5): 183-189.
  • 相关专题

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