Experimental study on the influence of surfactant foam properties on the slow release of gas in coal
YAN Min;YANG Ting;LIN Haifei;YAN Dongjie;LI Yong;HUO Shihao
煤炭资源开采过程中,与煤伴生的瓦斯异常涌出可能会导致严重的瓦斯超限,引发煤矿瓦斯灾害或温室效应等问题。已有诸多研究表明煤层注表面活性剂溶液是有效且重要的治理瓦斯手段之一。表面活性剂与气体混合易产生稳定泡沫,关于泡沫性能对瓦斯解吸影响相关研究较少,本文研究表面活性剂泡沫性能对甲烷气体缓释规律的影响。选取十二烷基苯磺酸钠(SDBS)和烷基糖苷(APG0810)2种表面活性剂进行试验,测定溶液表面张力、黏度、发泡性、稳定性及泡沫形态。利用自行研制的试验装置开展表面活性剂泡沫性能对甲烷气体缓释效应影响的试验研究。试验结果表明:随着表面活性剂质量分数增加,液体表面张力起初降低幅度较大,发泡率有明显升高现象,稳泡性也逐渐增强。接近临界胶束浓度时降低幅度减缓,发泡性和稳泡性升高趋势变得平缓。表面活性剂质量分数为0.15%时,在注入空气后SDBS和APG0810发泡高度分别为44 mm和40 mm,且SDBS泡沫半衰期最大为786.5 s。溶液泡沫发泡率和半衰期与其对甲烷缓释效应相关度较大,相同质量分数下SDBS对甲烷的缓释效果普遍优于APG0810,表面活性剂溶液质量分数0.15%时,10 min内APG0810和SDBS对瓦斯缓释率分别约为37.4%和12.7%,2 h内SDBS对瓦斯缓释率仍有约50.84%。研究为探究表面活性剂抑制煤中甲烷解吸及其机理提供一个新的角度,可为矿井瓦斯防治,煤炭绿色开采提供一定的理论支撑。
In the process of mining coal resources, the abnormal emission of gas associated with coal may lead to serious gas overrun, and trigger problems such as gas disaster or greenhouse effect. Many studies have shown that injecting surfactant solutions into coal seam is one of the effective and important means of gas management. Surfactant mixed with gas is easy to form stable foam. However, there are few studies on the influence of foam properties on gas desorption. Therefore, this paper studied the influence of surfactant foam properties on the slow release law of gas. Two surfactants, sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) and alkyl glycoside (APG0810), were selected to test the surface tension, viscosity, foaming, stability and foam morphology of solutions. The effects of surfactant foam properties on gas release was investigated using a self-developed experimental apparatus. The experimental results shown that with the increase of surfactant mass fraction, the surface tension of liquid decreased greatly at first, the foaming rate increased obviously, and the foaming stability increased gradually. When approaching the critical micelle concentration, the decrease amplitude of surface tension slowed down, and the foaming and foaming stability increased gently. At a mass fraction of 0.15%, the foaming heights of SDBS and APG0810 after air injection were 44 mm and 40 mm, respectively, and the maximum half-life of SDBS foam was 786.5 s. The slow release effect of solution foam on gas was well correlated with its foaming rate and half-life. At the same mass fraction, SDBS was generally better than APG0810 in the slow release of gas. At a mass fraction of 0.15%, the gas slow release rate of APG0810 and SDBS within 10 min were about 37.4% and 12.7%, respectively, and that of SDBS within 2 h was still about 50.84%. This study can provide a new perspective to investigate the inhibition and its mechanism of gas desorption in coal by surfactants, and also a certain theoretical support for the prevention and control of gas in mines and the green mining of coal.
slow release of methane;foam;foaming stability;surfactant;surface tension
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会