• 全部
  • Title

    Electrocatalytic oxidation of Pd/ Ti anode for the treatment of reverseosmosis concentrates from coking wastewater

  • 作者


  • Author

    YIN Xing;GUO Yun;REN Lehui;WANG Xueye;WANG Zhiwei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Metallurgical Group Corporation Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University
  • 摘要
    针对焦化废水膜浓缩过程所产浓缩液中难降解有机物浓度高、处理难度大的问题,本研究采用简便的喷涂法制备了 Pd 负载多孔钛的阳极,并构建了以 Pd / Ti 为阳极和钛网为阴极的电催化氧化装置,实现了焦化废水反渗透浓缩液中难降解有机物的高效稳定去除。 在电流密度为5 mA/ cm2时,运行 4 h 后,Pd / Ti 阳极对反渗透浓缩液的 COD 去除率为 86.3%,远高于掺硼金刚石(46.7%)和铱钽电极(34.0%)。 气相色谱-质谱分析结果表明,以 Pd / Ti 为阳极的电催化体系可将反渗透浓缩液中的难降解有机物(如 1-硝基-3,5-二甲基金刚烷)转化为结构简单的降解产物(如 2-戊炔-1-醇)。 在 28 h 连续运行过程中,COD 出水均低于 50 mg / L 以下,满足《炼焦化学工业污染物排放标准》(GB 16171—2012)中废水直接排放标准限值。 以上结果表明,Pd / Ti 阳极具有高效、低耗处理焦化废水反渗透浓缩液中难降解有机物的潜力。
  • Abstract
    In this study, a Pd -loaded porous titanium anode was prepared using a simple sprayingmethod, and an electrocatalytic oxidation system was constructed with Pd / Ti as anode and titaniummesh as cathode to achieve the efficient and stable removal of refractory organic pollutants from cokingwastewater reverse osmosis concentrates. At a current density of 5 mA/ cm2, the Pd / Ti anode achieveda COD removal of 86.3% in 4 hours which was higher than that of the BDD (46.7%) and Ir/ Ta (34.0%)electrodes. Gas chromatography - mass spectrometer analysis demonstrated that the electrocatalyticsystem with Pd / Ti as the anode could effectively convert refractory organic pollutants (e.g., 1,2-dime⁃thyl-5-nitroadamantane) in the reverse osmosis concentrate into simple substances (e.g., 2-pentyn-1-ol). During the 28-hour long-term operation, the COD effluent was less than 50 mg / L, meeting thelimit of the standard for direct discharge of wastewater in the Emission Standard for Pollutants in CokingChemical Industry (GB 16171—2012). These results indicated that the Pd / Ti anode had the potentialfor eliminating refractory organic pollutants in reverse osmosis concentrates from coking wastewater withhigh efficiency and low consumption.
  • 关键词

    电催化氧化Pd / Ti 阳极反渗透浓缩液难降解有机污染物焦化废水

  • KeyWords

    Electrocatalytic oxidation; Pd / Ti anode; Reverse osmosis concentrates; Refractory organicpollutants; Coking wastewater

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    尹星, 郭雲, 任乐辉, 等. Pd/ Ti 阳极电催化氧化处理焦化废水反渗透浓缩液的研究[J]. 能源环境保护,2023, 37(6): 12-22.
  • Citation
    YIN Xing, GUO Yun, REN Lehui, et al. Electrocatalytic oxidation of Pd/ Ti anode for the treatment of reverse os⁃mosis concentrates from coking wastewater[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 12-22.
  • 相关专题

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