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  • Title

    An improved droop control method for wind-PV-storage DC microgrids

  • 作者


  • Author

    HAN Ai;LIN Junhong;ZHANG Yu;LIU Shaojun;;SONG Hao ;WU Weihong;ZHENG Chenghang

  • 单位


  • Organization
    State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, State Environmental ProtectionCenter for Coal-Fired Air Pollution Control, Zhejiang University
    Key Laboratoryof Clean Energy and Carbon Neutrality of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University
  • 摘要
    在风光储直流微电网中,采用下垂控制可以确保并联电源之间按比例功率共享,无需电源之间的通信。 然而,传统的下垂控制并不能保证光伏和风机输出最大功率。 本文提出了改进的下垂控制方法,将最大功率点跟踪算法与下垂控制相结合,既保证了光伏和风电优先输出最大功率,又能与储能系统功率共享。 为了验证改进方法的有效性,利用 MATLAB / Simulink 进行仿真,并与传统的下垂控制方法进行了对比。 仿真结果表明,在一个由 5 kW 光伏、7.34 kW 风电和10 kW负载构成的典型系统中,在相同运行环境下,采用改进的下垂控制方法可以使光伏供能占比最大提升 8%,风电供能占比最大提升 9%,电池的储能占比提高 10%,同时直流母线电压波动基本不变。 改进的下垂控制方法相比传统方法在风光储直流微电网中具有明显的优势,对提升系统的整体性能和可靠性具有重要意义。
  • Abstract
    In the wind-photovoltaic (PV)-storage DC microgrid, the use of droop control ensures theproportional power sharing between parallel power sources without the need for communication betweenthe sources. However, the traditional droop control does not enable the output of the maximum PV andwind turbine (WT) power. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved droop control method that com⁃bines the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm with droop control. The method can notonly ensure that PV and WT output the maximum power, but also realize the power sharing with the en⁃ergy storage system (ESS). In order to verify the effectiveness of the improved method, we conductedsimulations using MATLAB / Simulink and compared it with the traditional droop control method. Thesimulation results showed that in a typical system consisting of 5 kW PV, 7.34 kW WT and 10 kWload, under the same operating environment, the improved droop control method could increase the PVpower supply ratio up to 8%, the WT power supply share by up to 9%, and the battery energy storageshare by up to 10%, while the DC bus voltage fluctuation was basically unchanged. The improveddroop control method has obvious advantages over the traditional method in the wind-PV-storage DCmicrogrid, which is of great significance for improving the overall performance and reliability of the system.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Microgrid; Maximum power point tracking; Droop control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    韩爱, 林俊宏, 张宇, 等. 风光储直流微电网的改进下垂控制研究[J]. 能源环境保护, 2023, 37(6): 111-118.
  • Citation
    HAN Ai, LIN Junhong, ZHANG Yu, et al. An improved droop control method for wind-PV-storage DC micro⁃grids[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2023, 37(6): 111-118.
  • 相关专题

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