Numerical simulation analysis of hole spacing in deep hole pre-splitting blasting of roof cutting and retaining roadway
LI Pei;XIE Ping;ZHANG Wenchao;WANG Mengxiang;HUANG Wenyao;NIU Caoyuan
In order to improve the recovery rate of coal resources, alleviate the strain on mining and excavationstress cloud diagram, effective stress time history curve, and crack propagation between blast holes. Field tests are then conducted based on the selected blast holes. The results show that in-situ stress has an inhibitory effect on blast hole cracks. Under the in-situ stress state, the crack penetration distance between two blast holes is 9 to 11 times the blast hole diameter, which has the best effect and causes less damage to the surrounding rock mass. It is consistent with the field drilling peep results.
roof cutting and roadway retaining; deep hole pre-splitting blasting; hole spacing; LS-DYNA; crack
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会