• 全部
  • Title

    Carbon emission modeling and emission reduction potential assessment of electricity infrastructure———a case study of ultra-high voltage alternating current project

  • 作者


  • Author

    Tang Baojun;Xu Peiyun;Yu Fang;Wang Xiangyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    As one of the important electricity infrastructures of the new energy system, the steady development of the ultra-high voltage(UHV) power grid has effectively promoted the consumption of clean energy and cross-regional electricity substitution. However, there isstill a need to quantify the carbon reduction benefits and potential of the UHV grid itself, so as to promote the low-carbon development ofthe power industry in a more comprehensive manner. Firstly, taking the UHV alternating current (AC) project as an example, the carbonemission measurement and optimization model is constructed from the dimensions of direct and indirect carbon emission, respectively. Itapplies the LCA model, LEAP model, electric energy substitution theory, and energy clean substitution theory. Then, the model is appliedto a specific case of UHV AC transmission and transformation project. On the basis of analyzing the supply and demand of electricity in theprovince where the project is located, the carbon emission accounting and emission reduction potential assessment of the real case is carriedout. Finally, based on the study of the “ grid” in “source-grid-load-storage” , some suggestions for the low-carbon development ofoverall electricity infrastructure are put forward: China’ s electricity infrastructure construction link has a large space for emissionreduction, and the synergistic pulling effect of the industrial chain and supply chain should be utilized to achieve the overall emissionreduction; the power generation structure at the delivery end should be optimized; and the “ source - grid - load - storage” low - carbonperformance assessment system should be established to enhance the overall low-carbon performance of the power grid.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    electricity infrastructure; ultra-high voltage AC project; direct carbon emission; indirect carbon emission; emission reductionpotential assessment

  • 基金项目(Foundation)

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