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  • Title

    Applications and challenges of capacitive deionization technologyin selective separation

  • 作者


  • Author

    YANG Qun;XU Ziyang;ZHANG Changyong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technologyof China
  • 摘要
    水溶液中离子的选择性分离对于水质净化和资源回收具有重要的意义。 电容去离子(Ca⁃pacitive Deionization,CDI)是一种新型的电驱动脱盐技术,在近年来逐渐应用于多组分溶液中目标离子的选择性分离。 由于 CDI 具有可定制的电极材料和界面,以及灵活的操作条件,在调节离子电吸附过程中具有较大优势,从而可实现目标物质的选择性分离。 本综述回顾了 CDI 的发展历程,重点介绍了利用新型电极和膜材料从水中选择性去除离子的机制,并探讨了材料化学修饰方法和不同操作因素对 CDI 选择性的影响。 最后,本文强调了 CDI 在选择性分离实际应用中仍面临着一些挑战,包括传统碳基电极选择性潜力不足、新型膜材料有待开发、选择分离性能评价体系不全面以及系统设计研究不足等,同时展望了其在电子、稀土、食品等相关行业的发展方向,将为研究人员开发低碳高效的 CDI 选择性分离技术提供参考。
  • Abstract
    The selective separation of ions in aqueous solutions is of significant importance for waterpurification and resource recovery. Capacitive deionization ( CDI) has emerged as a novel electro driven desalination process that is gradually being applied in the selective separation of target ions frommulticomponent solutions. By utilizing customizable electrode materials, interfaces, and adaptable oper⁃ating conditions, CDI offers substantial advantages in modulating ion adsorption processes, therebyachieving selective separation of target species. This review provides a retrospective analysis of the de⁃velopmental trajectory of CDI, with a focus on the mechanisms employed for the selective removal ofions from water using innovative electrode and membrane materials. Additionally, we delve into discus⁃sions on the impact of material chemical modifications and various operational factors on CDI selectivity.The paper also highlights several challenges faced by CDI in practical selective separation applications,including the limited selectivity potential of traditional carbon-based electrodes, the need for the devel⁃opment of novel membrane materials, incomplete evaluation systems for selective separation perform⁃ance, and inadequate research in system design. Furthermore, this review provides insights into the fu⁃ture prospects of CDI in industries such as electronics, rare earths, and food, providing guidance to re⁃searchers for the development of low-carbon and efficient CDI selective separation processes.
  • 关键词

    电容去离子 选择性分离 水质净化 资源回收 界面调控

  • KeyWords

    Capacitive deionization; Selective separation; Water purification; Resource recycling; In⁃terface control

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    杨群, 徐子阳, 张常勇. 电容去离子技术在选择性分离中的应用和挑战[J]. 能源环境保护, 2024, 38(1):38-51.
  • Citation
    YANG Qun, XU Ziyang, ZHANG Changyong. Applications and challenges of capacitive deionization technology inselective separation[J]. Energy Environmental Protection, 2024, 38(1): 38-51.
  • 相关专题

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