• 全部
  • Title

    Mechanism of non-uniform failure surrounding rock along the strike in gob-side entry retaining of Daliuta 52606 working face

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHI Guoming;ZHOU Haifeng;LI Gang;SHI Zhanshan;WANG Wei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Daliuta Coal Mine, CHN Energy Group Shendong Coal Group Co. , Ltd.
    Collage of Mining, Liaoning University of Engineering and Technology
    Shendong Coal Technology Research Institute, National Energy Group Shendong Coal Group Co. , Ltd.
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    In Daliuta Coal Mine, the stress deformation of concrete wall and coal pillar in gob-side entry retaining face is obviously related to the buried depth of coal seam. In order to obtain the mechanism of the buried depth affecting the non-uniform failure of surrounding rock on the gob-retaining side, similar material simulation and theoretical analysis are used to study the rock collapse structure and stress distribution law based on the mining of the 52606 gob-side entry retaining working face. The results show that, the corresponding periodic weighting step increases gradually from 10 m to about 20 m as the burial depth increases. The range of abutment stress increase enlarges, the stress concentration coefficient increases, and the distance between the peak stress position and the working face decreases. The increase of crack density in the roof of the working face is not conducive to the formation of support structure in the area of large buried depth, and is not conducive to the stability of entry retaining. The caving angle at the stop-mining line side with larger buried depth is 34°, and the caving angle of the open-off cut side with a smaller buried depth is 43°. The decrease in collapse angle and the increase in length of the cantilever structure, as well as the weakening of the supporting force of the broken surrounding rock, are the main reasons for the large deformation of the roadway in the deeply buried area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    gob-side entry retaining; burial depth; similar simulation; overburden fissure

  • 文章目录
    1 工程背景
    2 52606工作面开采相似材料模拟实验
    2.1 模型制作
    2.1.1 材料配比
    2.1.2 模型制作
    2.1.3 测点布置
    2.2 模型开采
    3 走向埋深变化对垮落结构发育影响规律研究
    3.1 垮落结构发育规律实验研究
    3.2 垮落结构发育规律现场实测规律分析
    3.2.1 初次来压现场观测
    3.2.2 周期来压现场观测
    4 走向埋深变化对应力演化影响规律研究
    4.1 沿着工作面走向应力演化规律
    4.2 沿着工作面垂向应力演化规律
    5 走向埋深变化对裂隙演化影响规律研究
    5.1 裂隙演化规律
    5.2 裂隙发育对沿空留巷巷道载荷影响作用分析
    6 结 论
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    迟国铭, 周海丰, 李 刚, 等. 大柳塔 52606 工作面沿空留巷围岩走向非均匀破坏机制研究 [J]. 煤炭工程,2024, 56(1): 49-56.
  • 相关文章

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