Pathways and methods for building an ethics program forgraduate engineering students
SI Junhong;JIA Yiyun;XU Shuhua
Engineering ethics education is an inevitable requirement for engineering activities and constructionin the new era.The establishment of the " Engineering Ethics" course provides support for cultivating highlyqualified engineering and technical personnel with ethical and moral standards.The case-based teaching modelis adoptedthroughout the entire processof setting course teachingstandard,controlling the teaching process,andensuring teaching effectiveness.It emphasizesimportance to the cultivation of students’ autonomous thinkingand innovative thinking,stimulates students’ enthusiasm for learning,and effectively improves students’ mastery of basic knowledge and their ability to apply it in solving complex engineering ethical problems.Toenhance the ethicalliteracy of high-quality engineering talent and provide a basic guarantee for good teachingquality and teaching effectiveness.
engineering ethics;teaching reform;situational cultivation;engineering education
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会