Characteristics and prevention and control techniques of typical water hazards in coal mines in Shaanxi Province
DONG Shuning;FAN Min;GUO Xiaoming;LIU Yingfeng;GUO Kang;JI Zhongkui;LI Chaofeng;XUE Xiaoyuan
陕西省煤炭资源丰富,2022年煤炭产量达7.46亿 t,是我国主要产煤省份之一。由于全省煤矿区地质及水文地质条件差异明显,煤矿水灾类型多样,随着近年煤炭开采强度的增大,水灾事故时有发生,防治水形势较为严峻。以煤炭赋存条件为基础,系统总结区域水文地质结构特征,界定典型水灾类型及各类水灾影响区域分布,论述典型水灾的形成机理及特征,并提出了相应的防控技术。研究表明:① 陕西省主要煤炭产区分为陕北、黄陇、渭北三大区,陕北侏罗纪煤田主要有顶板松散沙层水灾隐患、厚层砂岩水灾隐患、溃水溃沙灾害,局部区域分布有烧变岩对煤矿造成水灾隐患;黄陇煤田主要受顶板巨厚砂岩水灾隐患、离层溃水隐患、泥砂溃涌灾害隐患威胁;陕北石炭—二叠纪煤田和渭北煤田,主要受到煤层底板奥陶系灰岩水灾隐患威胁。② 陕北侏罗系煤田顶板水灾隐患主要为顶板含水层受开采导水裂隙带扰动形成,导水裂隙波及砂岩含水层或松散沙层可形成持续大流量涌水,部分区域充水强度较大,在短时间水量较大超过排水系统能力时造成顶板水灾,在薄基岩区域垮落带直接导通松散沙层时可转变为溃水溃沙灾害,导水裂隙带影响到烧变岩富水区域时可形成瞬时水量大且持续的烧变岩水灾;黄陇煤田顶板巨厚砂岩含水层受采动导水裂隙带波及形成高强度持续涌水并可能形成顶板水灾,当含水层下部隔水层厚度较大时,可能形成离层溃水灾害,当近煤层顶板岩层松软遇水易崩解时可转变为泥砂溃涌灾害;陕北石炭—二叠纪煤田和渭北煤田,煤层开采底板扰动破坏带或断层等构造导通奥陶系灰岩含水层时,会引发极为严重的底板突水灾害,该类灾害具突发性强、瞬时水量大的特征。③ 各区域的顶板水灾隐患治理技术主要包括钻孔疏泄、注浆治理、开采参数控制等,底板水灾隐患治理技术主要包括区域注浆加固及封堵等;烧变岩水灾隐患主要采取帷幕注浆与钻孔探放有机结合的防治技术。
Shaanxi province is rich in coal resources and is one of the main coal-producing provinces in China, with a coal production of 746 million tons in 2022. Due to the obvious differences in geological and hydrogeological conditions in the coal mining areas of the province, there are various types of water disasters in its coal mines. With the increase of coal mining intensity in recent years, the frequency of water disasters increases significantly, and the situation of water prevention and control is challenging. On the basis of the overall analysis of the hydrogeological conditions in the coal mining areas of Shaanxi province, combined with the types of water disasters revealed in the mining process of various mining areas in the province, the regional distribution of all kinds of water disas-ters is systematically summarized, and the formation mechanism and characteristics of typical water disasters are discussed. Also, the corresponding prevention and control technology and progress are put forward. The results show that ① the main coal producing areas in Shaanxi province are divided into northern Shaanxi, Huanglong and Weibei. The Jurassic coalfield in northern Shaanxi is mainly affected by the water disaster of roof's loose sand layer, the water disaster of thick sandstone, water and sand burst disaster, and the burnt rock flood exists in some coal mines. The Huanglong coalfield is mainly threatened by roof super-thick sandstone water, separated layer water, mud and sand burst disaster or hidden danger. The Carboniferous-Permian coalfields in northern Shaanxi and Weibei are mainly threatened by the water damage of Ordovician limestone on the coal seam floor. ② The hidden danger of roof flood in the Jurassic coalfield in northern Shaanxi is mainly formed by the disturbance of roof aquifer by mining water diversion fracture zone, which can form a continuous large flow water gushing through sandstone aquifer or loose sand layer, and the water filling intensity is large in some areas. Roof flood occurs when the amount of water exceeds the capacity of the drainage system in a short time, and it can be transformed into water and sand burst disaster when the collapse zone in the thin bedrock area directly leads to the loose sand layer. When the water-conducting fracture zone affects the water-rich area of burnt rock, it can form a flood of burnt rock with large instantaneous water volume and continuous flood. The super-thick sandstone aquifer on the roof of the Huanglong coalfield is swept by the mining water-conducting fracture zone to form a high-intensity continuous water gushing and may form roof flood. When the thickness of the lower aquifer is large, the separated layer water burst disaster may be formed. When the roof strata near the coal seam is soft and easy to collapse, it can be transformed into mud and sand burst disaster. In the Carboniferous-Permian coalfield and the Weibei coalfield in northern Shaanxi, when structures such as coal seam mining floor disturbance failure zones or faults lead to the Ordovician limestone aquifers, they will cause extremely serious floor water inrush disasters, which are characterized by strong sudden occurrence and large instantaneous water volume. ③ The roof water disaster treatment technology in each region mainly includes drilling hole drainage, grouting treatment, mining parameter control and so on, and the floor water damage is mainly treated by regional grouting reinforcement and plugging. Burnt rock water disaster is mainly treated by the combination of curtain grouting and drilling exploration.
coal mine in Shaanxi Province;water and sand inrush;burnt rock water hazard;bed separation water inrush;mud and sand inrush;floor Ordovician limestone water hazard
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会