Pyrolytic characteristic and kinetic study of medium⁃low⁃temperaturecoal tar pitch and its components
TONG Yaoxuan;ZHANG Yuzhu ;ZHAO Zhening;HE Jiliang;ZHU Yaming ;CHENG Junxia;ZHAO Xuefei
Medium⁃low⁃temperature coal tar pitch was recognized as an important raw material for producing artificialcarbon materials. Understanding the pyrolytic characteristics of the medium⁃low⁃temperature coal tar pitch is of greatsignificance for the preparation of high⁃quality medium⁃low⁃temperature coal tar pitch based carbon materials. Fourkinds of pitch components were obtained with the medium⁃low⁃temperature coal tar pitch as raw materials, and n⁃buta⁃nol (BA) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as extracts, respectively. The pyrolysis behavior of medium⁃low⁃tempera⁃ture coal tar pitch and 4 kinds of group components was investigated by the thermogravimetric analyzer. The pyrolysisactivation energies and pyrolysis kinetic parameters were calculated using the Flynn⁃Wall⁃Ozawa, Kissinger⁃Akahira⁃Sunose and Satava⁃Sestak methods. The results showed that the pyrolysis reaction mechanisms of the MLP, DMSOS andBAI conformed to the random nucleation and its subsequent growth model, and the optimal pyrolysis mechanism func⁃tions were G (α) = [-ln (1-α) ]4/ 3, G (α) = [-ln (1-α) ]4 and G (α) = [-ln (1-α) ]2. Activationenergies were 73. 99、 180. 20 and 46. 09 kJ/ mol, and lg A were 5. 82, 13. 57 and 3. 32, respectively. The pyrolysisreaction mechanism of the BAS conformed to the two⁃dimensional diffusion model, and the optimal pyrolysis mechanismfunction was G (α) = α+ (1-α) ln (1-α), E = 85. 36 kJ/ mol, lg A = 6. 18. The pyrolysis reaction mechanism ofthe DMSOI conformed to the two⁃dimensional diffusion or three⁃dimensional diffusion model, and the optimal pyrolysismechanism function was G (α) = [1- (1-α)1/ 3]2, E=64. 42 kJ/ mol, lg A=4. 00.
medium⁃low⁃temperature coal tar pitch; asphalt components; pyrolysis characteristics; pyrolysis kinet⁃ics; diffusion model; pyrolysis mechanism function; activation energy; pyrolysis kinetic parameter
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会