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  • Title

    Study on thermal transformation mechanism and thermodynamic characteristicsof coal pitch ball preoxidation

  • 作者


  • Author

    MAN Mengyao;WU Qiuping;SONG Shuaichao;CHENG Junxia;LAI Shiquan;ZHU Yaming;ZHAO Xuefei

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Institute of Chemical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning
  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    Coal pitch balls play a crucial role in the production of spherical activated carbon, known for its robustmechanical strength, high load density and controllable pore size distribution. This type of activated carbon finds ex⁃tensive applications in environmental protection and medical fields. Understanding the oxidation non⁃melting charac⁃teristics of coal pitch balls is paramount for enhancing the performance of spherical activated carbon and optimizingsubsequent carbonization and activation processes. This study delves into the thermal transformation mechanism andthermodynamic properties of preoxidized coal pitch balls, offering a vital theoretical foundation for the production ofspherical activated carbon from this raw material. Through a series of experiments involving non⁃melting treatment ofcoal pitch balls with varying particle sizes in an oxygen⁃rich environment, chemical dynamics parameters and reactionmechanisms during the preoxidation process were meticulously calculated. Employing techniques such as thermogravi⁃metric analysis, KISSINGER method, Satava⁃Sastak analysis and 41 mechanism function models, the investigationalso assessed the impact of particle size on process parameters and energy requirements during thermal conversion.The findings reveal a two⁃stage preoxidation process for coal asphalt balls. The initial stage involves a non⁃meltingpreoxidation thermal decomposition process, where particle size significantly influences the diffusion of oxygen mole⁃cules within the balls. Larger ball sizes demand higher energy for preoxidation reactions. However, the cross⁃linkingreactions between coal pitch spheres with different particle sizes and oxygen molecules are essentially the same, witha small number of active sites, and the size of the pre exponential factor is almost unaffected by particle size. Uponentering the thermal condensation process of the second stage, the pitch balls undergo a violent oxidation reaction.Affected by the non⁃melting treatment of the first stage, the smaller the ball diameter, the more surface oxygen atomcross⁃linking functional groups, the more stable the asphalt ball, the more energy required for thermal decompositionreaction at high temperature and the fewer active sites. The activation energy of the reaction in the second stage de⁃creases with the increase of particle size, and the pre exponential factor decreases with the increase of particle size.The entire preoxidation process of coal pitch balls emerges as a non⁃spontaneous endothermic reaction, with particlesize exerting substantial influence on enthalpy change (ΔH) and entropy change (ΔS) changes. While Gibbs freeenergy change (ΔG) exhibits significant variation across the two reaction stages, the effect of particle size within thesame stage is less pronounced. The first stage of the thermal transformation is conformed to mechanism function of No.18, which is characterized by a random nucleation model succeeded by growth. The second stage aligns with mecha⁃nism function No. 2, featuring a random nucleation model followed by diffusion.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal pitch ball; thermal conversion mechanism; thermodynamic characteristics; pre⁃oxidation; particlesize; dynamics; activation energy; mechanism function model

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    满梦瑶, 吴秋萍, 宋帅超, 等. 煤沥青球预氧化的热转化机理及热力学特性研究 [J]. 煤质技术, 2023,38 (5): 1-8.
  • Citation
    MAN Mengyao, WU Qiuping, SONG Shuaichao, et al. Study on thermal transformation mechanism and thermody⁃namic characteristics of coal pitch ball preoxidation [J]. Coal Quality Technology, 2023, 38 (5): 1-8.
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