Geological guarantee for in-situ development of coal
WANG Shuangming;SUN Qiang;HU Xin;GENG Jishi;XUE Shengze;LIU Lang;SHI Qingmin;WEI Jiangbo
Under the “ dual carbon” target, faced with the resource endowment characteristics of “ shortage of oil, scarcity of gas, and relative abundance of coal ,”coal still occupies a dominant position inChina’ s primary energy sector for a certain period. And it is imperative to develop the low-carbon andclean transformation of coal. Underground in-situ pyrolysis, gasification, dry distillation, hydrogen production and other methods are expected to become important approaches for future coal development.At present, there have been many explorations on in-situ coal development, but the geological safety,reliability, and environmental protection of geological site selection and development process are stillscientific challenges that constrain its scale and commercialization. Therefore, the theoretical and technical research on geological guarantee for in-situ coal development needs to be deepened urgently. Adhering to the principles of “ safety, economy, environmental protection, and sustainability” , this paperanalyzes the current research status of coal in-situ development, starting from the characteristics of coalresource endowment and geological conditions. Based on the scientific concept of the entire life cycle ofcoal development, the scientific connotation of “ geological guarantee for coal in-situ development” isproposed. By identifying pre-mining geological conditions, the response characteristics and damage lawsof surrounding rock geological bodies during the deep in-situ development process are revealed from theperspective of physical mechanisms, clarify the geological and mechanical behavior of rock mass engineering in in-situ development, construct a dynamic evaluation model for geological conditions in in-situdevelopment, form a loss reduction guarantee strategy and method for in-situ development, and proposeways to reuse in-situ development space. Taking two development models of underground coal gasification and underground pyrolysis as examples, this paper elaborates on the phased nature of in-situ development, clarifies the geological conditions elements of in-situ Development Zone design, emphasizes real-time dynamic monitoring and evaluation of surrounding rock geological response during the development process to ensure the sealing and safety of the development zone, and achieves the evaluation ofgeological conditions’ spatiotemporal evolution and geological risk controllability. In addition, the emphasis is placed on collaborative development of deep thermal energy and co-associated resources, achieving the utilization of residual resources and the reuse of underground space. The research on in-situ geological guarantee of coal reflects the requirements of resource occurrence conditions, geologicalenvironment constraints, in-situ development technology, geological risk prevention and control, and resource collaborative development. It attaches importance on the changes in geological conditions underin-situ disturbance conditions, emphasizes the overall study of development disturbance and geologicalbody structure, and recognizes the multiphase field coupling damage mechanism in the field of spatiotemporal effects of in-situ development. To reveal the geological risk mode under the disturbance effectof in-situ development from a multi layer perspective, and to identify the contradiction between resourcedevelopment and geological environmental constraints has important theoretical and practical guidingsignificance for promoting low-carbon coal development in the future and achieving high-quality development of the coal industry.
deep-buried coal seams; in-situ development; carbon neutrality; geological energy-storage
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会