• 全部
  • Title

    Study on mechanical characteristics and deterioration mechanism offrozen and melted coal under the action of liquid nitrogen

  • 作者


  • Author

    QIN Lei;MA Chao;LI Shugang;LIN Haifei;WANG Ping

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Safety Science and Engineering, Xi'an University of Science and Technology
    Key Laboratory of Western Mine Exploitation and Hazard Prevention, Ministry of Education,Xi'an University of Science and Technology
  • 摘要
    液氮可通过改变煤层内部结构从而影响煤体力学性能。 为研究液氮作用下煤体劣化机理,以冻结态和融化态煤样为研究对象,采用扫描电镜观测煤体内部裂隙形态,通过开展巴西劈裂试验、单轴抗压试验测得其力学特征变化。 研究结果表明:单次冻结 50 min 以上,煤体抗拉、单轴抗压强度增加,随着冻结时间增长,煤体强度、弹性模量呈先增后减趋势;冻融循环次数增加,煤体力学性能降低,初期(0~10 循环)降幅较大,后趋于平缓;冻融循环造成的煤体损伤更严重,融化态煤样更易形成致密裂隙网格;为评价不同状态煤体冻融损伤,计算相对弹性模量 E,拟合冻融次数和相对抗拉强度 σs、相对抗压强度 σu 的关系,随着冻融次数增加,E、σs 和 σu 均在冻融初期大幅下降,后趋于平缓,且融化态煤体后期降低幅度大于冻结态煤体。
  • Abstract
    Liquid nitrogen can affect the mechanical properties of coal by changing the internal structureof coal seam. In order to study the mechanism of coal degradation under the action of liquid nitrogen,the frozen and melted coal samples are taken as the objects for research. The results show that the tensileand uniaxial compressive strength of coal body increases when frozen for more than 50 minutes at a time.With the increase of freezing time, the strength and elastic modulus show a trend of increasing and thendecreasing; with the increase of freeze-thaw cycles, the coal body mechanics is reduced. The initial (0-10) cycles decline dramatically and the decline tends to be moderate. When the coal body damagecaused by the freeze-thaw cycle is more serious, it is more likely for the thawed coal sample to form adense fracture grid. In order to evaluate the freeze-thaw damage of coal in different states, the relative e-lastic modulus E is calculated, and the relationship between the number of freeze-thaw cycles and the rel-ative tensile strength σs and relative compressive strength σu is fitted. It decreases sharply in the earlystage of freezing and thawing, and then tends to be gentle.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    Braziliancleavage;uniaxialcompression;mechanicalstrength;brittlefailure;failure strain

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国 家 自 然 科 学 基 金 项 目 ( 51904237); 博 士 后 国 际 交 流 计 划 派 出 项 目 ( PC2021064); 中 国 博 士 后 科 学 基 金 特 别 项 目
  • 文章目录

    1 试 验
    1.1 煤样制备
    1.2 试验流程及设备
    1) 力学性能试验设备:
    2) 扫描电镜分析设备(SEM):
    3) 测试配套设备:
    1.3 试验方案
    1) 编号。
    2) 微观测定。
    3) 液氮浸没。
    4) 应力加载。
    5) 加载完成。
    2 试验结果
    2.1 抗拉强度
    2.2 单轴抗压强度
    2.3 液氮冻结作用对煤体微观形态的影响
    3 讨 论
    3.1.1 抗拉强度变化规律
    3.1.2 单轴抗压强度变化规律
    3.2 冻融循环对煤体力学性能损伤的影响
    3.3 液氮对煤体的劣化作用及破坏机理
    4 结 论

  • DOI
  • 相关文章

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