• 全部
  • Title

    A study on stagewise upgrading of coal slime for reducing its untreated volume at power coal preparation plant

  • 作者


  • Author

    OUYANG Qichun;XIAN Yushuai;ZHANG Xuebin

  • 单位

    淮北矿业股份有限公司中国矿业大学 化工学院

  • Organization
    Huaibei Mining Co. Ltd.
    School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, China University of Mining and Technology
  • 摘要

    为了适应煤泥减量化的需求,以淮北桃园选煤厂动力煤为研究对象,基于煤泥粒度、密度和矿物组成分析,提出了三阶段煤泥减量化的技术路线,确定了粗煤泥重选和尾煤泥深度浮选的梯级降灰提质以及细煤泥新型压滤机降水提质方案。研究结果表明:粗煤泥分别采用干扰床分选机和螺旋分选机进行分选试验,以螺旋分选粗精煤产率更高,产率为88.82%,灰分为23.05%;尾煤泥采用一次浮选回收,当药剂用量为0.45 kg/t,入料浓度为 90 g/L时,精煤产率为41.31%,灰分为15.74%,发热量可提高到20.97 MJ/kg。经过粗煤泥分选、尾煤泥浮选以及细煤泥脱水,粗精煤和精煤泥的发热量分别提高了23.50%,65.30%,煤泥经降水后可全部回掺,其掺混后商品煤发热量为21.32 MJ/kg,实现了动力煤选煤厂的煤泥无量化。

  • Abstract

    In order to meet the requirement for reducing as much as possible the output of untreated coal slime, a study is made with the power coal treated by Huaibei Taoyuan Coal Preparation Plant as the object. Based on analysis of size and density and mineral composition of the coal, a three-stage technical route to attainment of the objective through the use of the following stagewise processes is proposed: reduction of ash of coarse slime and tailing through gravitational separation system and in-depth flotation process, respectively, and dewatering of tailing using new-type hydropress. Study results shows that for treatment of coarse slime, compared with teetered-bed separator, the use of spiral separator can lead to a much higher yield and a lower ash of clean slime, which are 88.82% and 23.05%, respectively; and the tailing is treated only through a single flotation process, and with the dosage of agents and feed density at 0.45 kg/t and 90 g/L, respectively, the concentrate yield and ash are 41.31% and 15.74%, respectively, raising the calorific value of concentrate to a level of 20.97 MJ/kg. Through separation of coarse slime, flotation of tailing, and dewatering of fine slime, the clean coarse slime and flotation concentrate both see a rise of calorific value by 23.50% and 65.30%, respectively. After dewatering all the slime products can be blended with clean coal, allowing calorific value of commercial coal to go up to 21.32 MJ/kg, and hence making it possible to realize in-plant full recovery of coal slime.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    separation of coal slime;stagewise upgrading of slime;gravity separation of slime;in-depth flotation of fine slime;ash reduction;dewatering;in-plant full recovery of slime

  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    欧阳其春,羡宇帅,张学彬. 动力煤选煤厂煤泥梯级提质及无量化研究[J]. 选煤技术,2024,52(1):24−30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.005
  • Citation
    OUYANG Qichun, XIAN Yushuai, ZHANG Xuebin. A study on stagewise upgrading of coal slime for reducing its untreated volume at power coal preparation plant[J]. Coal Preparation Technology,2024,52(1):24−30. DOI: 10.16447/j.cnki.cpt.2024.01.005
  • 图表
    • 精、中磁尾弧形筛筛下煤泥粒度特性曲线

    图(9) / 表(6)


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