Experimental study and application of hydraulic fracturing in underlying coal seam
LU Yongxin;HU Shengyong;LI Guofu;WU Xi;LU Jiaqi;YANG Yutao;ZHANG Cun;SU Yan
太原理工大学 安全与应急管理工程学院晋能控股装备制造集团有限公司煤与煤层气共采国家重点实验室山西蓝焰煤层气集团有限责任公司中国矿业大学(北京) 能源与矿业学院山东电子职业技术学院
采空区下伏煤层气资源储量丰富,长期未能有效开发。水力压裂技术是一种提高煤层气采收率的有效手段,上覆煤层的开采与重新压实会直接影响采空区下伏煤层水力裂缝的扩展行为。通过大尺寸(300 mm×300 mm×300 mm)真三轴水力压裂试验,分析了不同加卸载应力扰动程度下煤体的力学与声发射响应特征,提出了表征煤体损伤程度的损伤变量$T$,明晰了损伤与水力裂缝起裂与扩展规律之间的关系。结果表明:采空区下伏煤体垂向应力加载阶段引起的损伤显著大于卸载阶段,垂向加载应力不超过11 MPa时,煤体处于弹性阶段,损伤极少;加载至11~15 MPa,处于屈服阶段,损伤大幅增加;加载至15~18 MPa,处于强化阶段,煤体孔裂隙逐渐被压实。损伤变量$T$可以有效表征煤体内部损伤程度,
The coalbed methane resource under goaf is rich, but has not been effectively developed for a long time. Hydraulic fracturing technology stands as an effective means to augment coalbed methane recovery. The extraction and re-compaction of overlying coal seam will directly affect the expansion behavior of hydraulic fractures in the underlying coal seam. Though the large-scale (300 mm×300 mm×300 mm) true triaxial hydraulic fracturing experiments, the mechanical and acoustic emission response characteristics of coal were analyzed under different levels of loading and unloading stress perturbations. The damage variable
goafs;underlying coal seam;coalbed methane;hydraulic fracturing;damage variable;fracture expansion
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会