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  • Title

    Investigation on the impact of water on the competitive adsorption characteristics of CH4/CO2 in coal

  • 作者


  • Author

    CHEN Liwei;BIAN Le;WANG Dongjie;ZHENG Haoge;ZHAO Zhanchuan

  • 单位

    河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心煤矿灾害预防与抢险救灾教育部工程研究中心

  • Organization
    School of Safety Science and Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University
    Collaborative Innovation Center of Coal Work Safety and Clean Efficiency Utilization
    Mine Disaster Prevention and Rescue of the Ministry of Education
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    In order to study the effect of water on the competitive adsorption of CH4/CO2 and mixed gases in coal, the self-developed multi-gas competitive adsorption experimental system of coal containing gas was used to conduct the research on the single component adsorption of CH4 and CO2 by coal with different water content. The experimental results show that: Water does not change the basic law of the isothermal adsorption curve of CH4 and CO2, and under the same conditions, water does not affect the ordering of coal's adsorption capacity for a single component of gas, and the adsorption capacity of coal for CO2 is always greater than that of CH4. Under the same conditions, the inhibition rate of water on CH4 is greater than that of CO2 adsorption capacity, indicating that the inhibition degree of water on coal's adsorption of weakly adsorbent gases is greater. The research on the effect of water on the competitive adsorption of mixed gas shows that: when the proportion of gas injected into the coal remains unchanged, under the same adsorption equilibrium pressure, the total adsorption of mixed gas decreases with the increase of water content, and the adsorption amount of CH4 and CO2 after adsorption equilibrium decreases with the increase of water content in the coal. When the water content is unchanged, the greater the gas adsorption equilibrium pressure under the same gas injection ratio, the greater the adsorption amount of CH4 and CO2 after adsorption equilibrium. The volume fraction of CO2 in the free phase is always lower than that of the gas source, while the volume fraction of CH4 is always higher than that of the gas source. Under different conditions, the values of CO2/CH4 selection coefficients are greater than 1, ranging from 4.8 to 5.4, and the adsorption affinity of coal for CO2 is greater than that of CH4. The selection coefficients of CO2/CH4 decrease with the increase of water content of coal samples under the same gas adsorption conditions. This study further improves the theoretical analysis of factors affecting coal gas adsorption, and provides a theoretical basis for engineering practice for underground gas injection and gas extraction technology.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coalbed methane;water content;competitive adsorption;adsorption selectivity;coal absorbed gas

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    陈立伟,边 乐,王东杰,等. 水分对CH4和CO2在煤中竞争吸附特性影响研究[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):243−254.
  • Citation
    CHEN Liwei,BIAN Le,WANG Dongjie,et al. Investigation on the impact of water on the competitive adsorption characteristics of CH4/CO2 in coal[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):243−254.
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