Parameters setting of anchor drill boom based on improved SFS algorithm
TAO Lei;CHEN Yue;WANG Hongwei;LI Chao;YAO Linhu
As the anchor drill boom is operated in special working conditions with harsh environment and complex geology, it is necessary to consider the parameter selection of PID, in the underground automatic control of anchor drill boom. For this reason, the stochastic fractal search algorithm ( SFS) was used for the PID parameters setting. Due to the problems of insufficient local search capability and likelihood of falling into local optimum, the random fractal search algorithm is ineffective facing the multiple parameters to be calibrated and serious coupling between parameters of the robotic arm. Therefore, chaotic initialization, positive cosine strategy, and adaptive K value selection strategy were introduced to improve the local search capability and global search speed of the algorithm; Cauchy and differential directional variation strategies were adopted to make the algorithm jump out of the local optimum. It was verified by the standard test function that the improved stochastic fractal search algorithm has optimized the convergence speed and accuracy. Finally, according to the simulation experiment of anchor drill boom parameters setting, the overall adaptability value of the PID parameters set by the improved algorithm is increased by 21%; and the quantitative indexes of the joints indicate that the improved algorithm jumps out of the local optimum, and enhances the overall searching accuracy and speed.
anchor drill boom;parameters setting;random fractal search algorithm;PID control
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会