Experimental study on anisotropy characteristics of fracture toughness and fracture process zone in anthracite coal
GONG Shuang;ZHAO Yixin;ZHANG Hansong;ZHOU Yongheng;ZHAO Canxin;WANG Wen
河南理工大学 能源科学与工程学院煤炭安全生产与清洁高效利用省部共建协同创新中心中国矿业大学(北京)能源与矿业学院
In order to determine the influence of anisotropy induced by primary bedding structure on fracture toughness and fracture process zone (FPZ) incubation characteristics of anthracite, the notched semi-circular bending (NSCB) anthracite samples with different bedding angles were subjected to the mode I three-point bending loading test on the MTS hydraulic servo test system. The incubation process of FPZ at crack tip was monitored by the digital image correlation method (DICM) combined with the acoustic emission (AE) localization technique. Based on the Irwin-Bazant model, the Strip-yield uniform traction model and the Strip-yield linear traction model, the fully developed FPZ length of anthracite samples were predicted and compared with the experimental results. The geometric morphology of anisotropic anthracite FPZ and the shear and tensile deformation time series of anthracite FPZ during its incubation at different bedding angles were discussed. The results show that the peak load, peak displacement and fracture toughness of anthracite increase with the increase of bedding inclination. Compared with the coal samples with the bedding angle of 0°, the average fracture toughness of the coal samples with the bedding angle of 22.5°, 45.0°, 67.5° and 90.0° increases by 6.76%, 86.82%, 85.47% and 134.46%, respectively. The FPZ length predicted by the Irwin-Bazant model and the Strip-yield uniform traction model is shorter than the test value, while the prediction of the Strip-yield linear traction model is generally higher than the test value. The estimation of FPZ length of anthracite by the Strip-yield uniform traction model is most close to the experimental value, indicating that the distribution of the cohesive force at the crack tip of the anthracite sample tends to be more uniform. The FPZ length of anthracite sample is proportional to the square of the ratio of fracture toughness and tensile strength:
anthracite;fracture toughness;fracture process zone;crack propagation;anisotropic
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会