In-situ stress distribution law in coal-bearing stratum under control of reverse fault
WANG Xiaodong;LUO Yongjiang;SHI Jialin;LIANG Yunpei;HU Qianting
重庆大学 煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室重庆大学 资源与安全学院
为深化对逆断层控制下含煤地层的地应力分布特征的认识,运用自主研发的大型真三轴仪器“矿山地质构造模拟实验系统”,基于相似原理,开展考虑深度、断层倾角、落差等影响因素的物理模拟实验。结合数值模拟,分析不同条件下扰动区宽度和地应力分布规律。研究结果表明:① 断层上盘的应力扰动宽度大于下盘,且2者都随深度的增加而减小。倾角45°断层的扰动宽度比60°断层小,在500、1 000、1 500 m深度处,前者分别为35.72、27.33、10.71 cm,后者分别为47.03、32.15、17.85 cm。② 临近断层处最大水平应力(
To deepen the understanding of the distribution characteristics of geostress in coal-bearing stratum under the control of reversed faults, physical simulation experiments based on the similarity principle were conducted using a self-developed large-scale true triaxial instrument called the “Mine Geotectonic Simulation Experiment System”, with consideration for depth, dip angle, and fault drop. In conjunction with numerical modeling, we examine the disturbance width and the geostress's distribution law in various scenarios. The results show that: ① The geostress disturbance width in the hanging wall is greater than that in the footwall, and both of them diminish as depth increases. The 45° fault has a narrower disturbance width than the 60° fault. At 500, 1 000, and 1 500 m depth, the former is 35.72, 27.33, 10.71 cm, and the latter is 47.03, 32.15, and 17.85 cm, respectively. ② A clear instance of the maximum horizontal stress (
In-situ stress distribution;coal-bearing stratum;reverse fault;stress concentration;deflection
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会