The Distribution and Vibration Mechanism of Pulsating Pressure in the Spillway of Arch Dam
GONG Chengyong;XIE Gengmiao;FAN Xinjian;XU Lang;CHEN Chao;LIANG Kang
【Purposes】The study on flood discharge safety of high arch dam involves the design of spillways, the strength of structure, the distribution of flow pressure, and the characteristics of flow pattern during flood discharge. 【Methods】The study focuses on an arch dam with a height of 270 m, and CFD method is employed to simulate the flow field in the spillway tunnel and analyze the distribu⁃ tion of fluctuating pressures. Furthermore, fluid-structure coupling finite element method is used to simulate the worst case pulsating pressure and the vibration characteristics of the dam structure, and analyze the vibration mechanism of the high arch dam under discharge excitation. 【Findings】The re⁃ sults show that the pulsating pressure inside the spillway of the arch dam is extremely complex, with the maximum and minimum values of the pulsating pressure of the surface sluice being 133.25 and 29.48 kPa, respectively, and the maximum and minimum values of the pulsating pressure of the middle sluice being 5 274.99 and 953.24 kPa, respectively. The energy distribution of the pulsating pressure in frequency domain has low-frequency characteristics, with the main energy distribution in the frequency range of 0-10 Hz. Under discharge excitation, the total displacement of the arch dam shows a certain periodicity with changes of the pulsating pressure, and the total displacement gradu⁃ ally decays with the period. The total displacement reaches the maximum value of 0.212 0 cm at 1.2 s, at the same time, the maximum values of equivalent stress is 1 426.60 kPa, and equivalent strain is 7.49×10 , the pulsating pressure shows the same trend in the vibration period,corresponding to the maximum value of the fluctuating pressure in the spillway tunnel. The variations of equivalent stress and equivalent strain of the arch dam are basically the same, and they have a complete correlation with the changes of pulsating pressure.
spillway of arch dam;numerical simulation;time averaged pressure;pulsating pres⁃sure;fluid-structure coupling model;vibration mechanism
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会