Simulation analysis of an energy storage system for solar-driven chemicallooping reforming of methane to produce hydrogen and methanol
WANG Yanjuan;LONG Yunfei;XIN Yu;JIANG Qiongqiong;XU Chao;QU Wanjun;HONG Hui
To achieve safe storage and transportation of hydrogen energy,converting hydrogen gas into liquid methanol has become animportant method for hydrogen storage. Hydrogen and carbon monoxide (CO) are used to produce methanol via the Fischer-Tropschsynthesis,which is widely applied due to its excellent performance. Traditional methods of producing hydrogen and CO mainly involvemethane steam reforming and dry reforming of methane. However,these methods require high temperatures (≥850 ℃) and have highenergy consumption,often relying on the combustion of methane to provide heat for the reaction. This paper proposes a solar-drivenchemical looping reforming system for hydrogen production and methanol synthesis, using nickel oxide as the oxygen carrier. Thereaction temperature can be reduced to 600 ℃, and the system is powered by solar thermal energy, avoiding methane combustion,reducing energy consumption,and lowering environmental impact. Additionally,following the principle of “temperature matching andcascading utilization”, the high-temperature flue gas and gas steam generated by methane chemical looping reforming are coupled in acombined cycle for power generation. Energy,efficiency,and sensitivity analysis results show that when the fuel reactor and air reactortemperatures are 600 °C and 1 200 °C,respectively,the molar ratio of nickel oxide to methane is 0.8,and the molar ratio of water to methane is 1.9,the system achieves an energy utilization efficiency of 62.82%,an efficiency of 64.75%,and a methanol yield of 69.73%.Under these conditions,the methane conversion rate is 80.58%,which is 250 ℃ lower than traditional methane reforming methods,whilesignificantly improving the methane conversion rate.
chemical looping reforming;methanol production;solar thermal energy storage;sensitivity analysis;energy and exergy analysis
主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会